VOpenCHR problem
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for some reason, JPEG is the only image format that will work properly for me. If I use .gif or .png, it either crashes or it comes out looking really weird. I'll post screenshots later. Can anyone diagnose this problem?

Posted on 2008-07-17 03:59:05


That's rather distressing, seeing as jpeg is a lossy format. Does bmp work? What OS are you using this with? Have you contacted the creator of that app?

Posted on 2008-07-17 13:50:39


i tried bmp, it doesn't work either. If I use any image format besides jpeg the program crashes. I really don't want to have to remove the anti-aliasing by hand. I am using windows xp, btw.

Posted on 2008-07-17 16:09:43


I'm not too familiar with VOpenCHR, personally. I mainly use chrmak. I recommend using that. If you need some help with it, I'm available to assist.

Posted on 2008-07-20 16:36:02


I don't know if the problem is still open for suggestions, but I'm guessing this will still be of some use.

There is software (I think it is Ifranview) that can be used to change image file formats with either less or no loss. You might benefit from looking into that, but do tell me if I'm wrong about it.

Posted on 2008-09-06 05:27:00


Yeeaaaaah, actually, despite once recommending to use TomT64's VOpenCHR instead of CHRMAK because I thought that's something GUI users would enjoy more, CHRMAK is in fact easier to use and unlike VOpenCHR, is stable.

VOpenCHR... had some import issues I found later. Like on my friend's computer, I seem to remember something like a bitmap would be read as BGR instead of RGB (which lead to some funky color arrangements). And hearing that it crashes on OTHER XP machines now doesn't surprise me.

Anyway, CHRMAK is your friend. Old fashioned commandline, sure. But easy enough to use. DON'T USE JPEG FOR PIXEL ART, even if it's the only format that a fault import dialog doesn't crash on. Use a different, much, much, much, stabler program instead.

Read the manual here. This should explain how to use CHRMAK quite well, it was a bit of a joint writing effort between me, Zip and Rysen.

Also I think someone raised a point a while ago about autocompiling mak files into chrs when you run Verge. I might add that in to Verge at some point, which could be alarmingly handy. Anyway, that's a thought.

Posted on 2008-09-06 12:30:38

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