Another Demo Alarm
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Will the runaway success of Katamari Damacy spawn a "rolling things" genre? If it does, we're ready! Witness Snowball, a compo game by Overkill, ustor, Ragecage, Troupe, and Darien

The plot of this game is not worth recounting, but the premise is cool: you roll a snowball around rough terrain, making it bigger and bigger and bowling over kids on your way to the stage end. Your snowball melts in warm areas, and you frequently need to use it as a platform to reach higher areas. There's not a lot here right now, since this was just a compo game, but I could easily see this being turned into a full game with nuanced areas and puzzles.

The physics is good -- everything feels very natural. I can't overstate how important that is in a game like this! It's kind of weird how you can end up pushing your snowball from the inside, but that's sort of necessary if you don't want it to obstruct you. Right now the only enemies are the children, and they just run back and forth, and while te terrain is wonderfully hilly, there isn't much to see in the levels. However, these are both things that could be improved in a full game. It would be swell to see more levels of this!

Posted on 2006-01-18 21:31:55


The people demand more Snowball!

Seriously, this is a really awesome game and has a lot of potential to be ever cooler than what it is. I sincerely hope you keep at it. ^_^

Posted on 2006-01-19 14:32:14


*sigh*, Oh Katamari...
You know, you should factor a "gravity" pull into the game too. And while you're at it, why not add some special relativity? (Faster = more mass = MOAR GRAVITY)
Just tossing them out there.

Posted on 2006-01-19 20:06:54


Just so we're clear, I'm really glad a demo alarm was made for this, because now I can comment on how awesome it is :)

I didn't mind much about the lack of graphical variety in the levels. Actually, it was pretty decent. I got a good sense of height out of being far up in the levels due to the conservative but effective use of parallax.

And the second level hi-jump was pretty neat, too; I felt cool when I figured it out. Jumping on my own snowballs is also fun.

In addition: the demonstration at title screen is great. It makes me wonder if real console games do demonstrations the same way.

Posted on 2006-01-19 20:41:40


I suck at this, and it doesn't really capture my attention, but I intend to give it a fairer go later ;)

That doesn't mean it's not good. And it is definately an insanely cool tech demo.

Posted on 2006-01-20 07:10:48


Thanks everyone. And actually, despite the feel of the game, it wasn't THAT inspired by Katamari Damacy. Rolling a ball into enemies, sure, and maybe the weight sum at the bottom, but other than that, I really don't think it plays much like KD. I believe it plays a lot more like a platformer myself.

I plan on continuing this and adding new levels, although maybe changing some aspects to make it less Christmasy, and adding new scenarios which are more puzzle driven. The enemies at the moment, you probably just noticed spawned randomly, but there's an issue I haven't been able to resolve yet to get the enemies to only act while onscreen without magically teleporting places by the time they're in sight.

Gayo: I mean to fix the problem of walking through the snowballs while pushing them eventually.

CrazyAznGamer: I was thinking of adding stuff like that, especially to make there be more friction when trying to roll the balls uphill.

Omni: I'm not sure if it's the way that console games record demos, but it seemed pretty simple to do it the way I did. Just dump the enemy, player and snowball states, a random seed (for reliable results), the path to the demo's map, then simply record all 8 key inputs into a byte for every frame. I dunno.

Posted on 2006-01-21 15:09:29


just checking

Posted on 2006-01-26 13:30:42


...Does that mean you've played it? :D

Posted on 2006-01-27 17:41:55

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