Another Demo Alarm
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Boy, it's almost like the VERGE scene is active, eh? I wonder what's up with that.

Okay, this time clips (that's his name, his name is clips) has come out with a very nice-looking demo for his project, [Element Cyber] (link fixed, -Grue). This is a science fiction RPG with an interesting battle system: battles take place on the maps and are tactical in nature. There's not much to the battles currently featured, but the system promises to be neat in the future.

First, the bad news: the graphics are somewhat inconsistent in quality and don't always mesh well. There's a lack of music in many parts of the demo. Finally, it's kind of slow. It ran pretty well on my (average) computer, but if your CPU speed doesn't have a decimal point you'll probably have some trouble.

Now, here's why you should play Element Cyber anyway: although the graphics are a little spotty, the chrs are very good and there are big speech portraits for major characters, which is a very nice touch. The opening area is almost entirely devoid of clear tile boundaries, and many other areas are similarly organic in design. And although this game is slow and a mite buggy, it does a lot of neat things to justify that. The main 'town' area in the demo is full of randomly-spawned entities, and you don't walk up to these people and press Enter to speak -- they just say things when you get close to them, without halting the flow of the game. There's a very nice help feature that's accessible in-game by pressing F1 (!), and the interface is very spiffy in general. My favourite part is how mousing over an entity shows you a closeup of his face and his name, even if he's just a random joe. Also, I was quite startled to see mirrors that reflect you; to my knowledge, that's never been done before in a VERGE RPG. Make sure you tough it out to the second area of the game, as it's pretty neat.

Posted on 2004-09-15 03:15:05 (last edited on 2004-09-16 20:38:44)


Downloading the game now, but I thought you should know that the link takes you to the Epic of Serinor download.

Just played it, wish I had time to play it more, but from what I did play it's pretty spiffy. ^_^

Posted on 2004-09-15 04:20:30 (last edited on 2004-09-15 04:51:01)


Hey Gayo, you linked to Epic of Serinor instead of Element Cyber. Anyways, *downloading*

EDIT: Played, posted comment in other thread.

Posted on 2004-09-15 05:41:41 (last edited on 2004-09-15 07:21:48)


Gayo, you seem to have linked not Element Cyber, but Epic of Serinor. Also, the screenshots aren't appearing for me. A bug in the site maybe?


Posted on 2004-09-15 05:49:15


Hey, Gayo! Thanks for plugging my game again! I really appreciate it. Especially all that nice stuff you said about my art.


wait a minute...

Posted on 2004-09-15 06:07:50


By the way Eldritch, great demo you got there. Since I still play oldschool games(even on the NES), the game's style doesn't sway my interest at all.

Posted on 2004-09-15 07:21:22


Hm, I had some problems with the battle system. When I got the second battle, where there are four enemies, they knocked me off the bottom of the screen right away. By the time I had finished killing them all, I was still off the bottom of the screen. I tried pressing up to walk back into view, but I never saw my character again.

Posted on 2004-09-15 19:11:39


Yeah, it IS buggy in areas. I managed to charge into an obstruction once and was promptly stuck fast. Still, it IS an ALPHA of the game and I expect very good things, aside from the very good things that have occured already :-).

Posted on 2004-09-15 22:52:11


Bah! I don't like the battle system. It's way to clumsy and haphazard. I wouldn't mind so much if you could just click on a spot on the screen and move there, and if there was some range indicator for things (maybe Parasite Eve/Vagrant Story style domes :P ). Also you spend way too much time just waiting for your stupid meter to fill up.

Posted on 2004-09-17 08:39:42


Wow! Some people need to be given a lesson in manners! this is a _demo_. I'm sure all of your 'constructive' criticism will really motivate them.... Christ I've been around for a while and this game shows a shit load of potential, and has some uber cool shit in it as well. Whatever you do don't play games like Chrono trigger because of the 'stupid meter' waiting.

I have no clue why some people are being so harsh on this particular demo. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and plain old rudeness. To be quite frank, I'm shocked on their deliveries.

Compared to 90% of the games out there, this game is going in a very decent direction.

Clips, dont be discouraged, try to find the elements in what these type of people are saying to consider changing/fixing in your demo, and try to ignore the negativity.
Bugs like getting knocked off of the screen and having the mobs re-appear after you've defeated them when you go back to that spot would be good things to fix.

And as for everything else it's your decision.

Remember folks, this was a DEMO.

Posted on 2004-09-17 14:41:21 (last edited on 2004-09-17 14:44:19)


Yes, because there's nothing like ignoring criticism to assure an awesome result. Mind you, I think it's got a ton of potential too, but still.

Posted on 2004-09-17 15:21:21


Is there a trick to beating that first boss, or do you just have to level up a lot and get a bunch of X Potions beforehand?

Posted on 2004-09-18 05:05:18


That's about it, I think.

Posted on 2004-09-19 07:31:22

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