Originally posted by Interference22
Quote:Originally posted by Gayo
I'll tell the story!
He pasted it in IRC.
That's the end of the story now.
IRC log! IRC log!
It wasn't anything astounding....
<Gayo> I need a foot-putting-onthingy
<thinice> grant ALL on thinice.* TO 'beta'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
<thinice> ;_;
<Toen> ...is that your password?
<Toen> :D
<thinice> ...
<mcgrue[vrpg]> ...
<mcgrue[vrpg]> idiot.
<Toen> maybe nobody saw it
<Esk|bath> I know I didn't
<andy> .... and turn logging off
<thinice> YES!
<mcgrue[vrpg]> :D
<zzzero> /kick #verge *