While we're all busy with getting things ready for the next release (dammit, Hahn, where are you? ;), here's a blast from the past ya'll might've forgotten about:
For those of you new to the community, we have in the past had community competitions called Hours of Verge (usually shortened to HoV). The contest's length is usually appended to the front of the abbreviation, and you can see from that site's archives that there has been at least one 12HoV and at least one 96HoV, although the traditional length is 72HoV. That's three days for you mathematically challenged sorts.
Plenty of old games there, many worth checking out. One of the major features being added slowly is an integrated HoV system. Some competitions in the past have had questionable rules and judging, and I hope to square some things away. I'd like to be able to offer prizes in the future, but that's a kettle of fish that'd require some forethought.
In conclusion, you can consider this an informal hint that there'll be a HoV starting when the next v3 engine release is made. When exactly that is is still nebulous, and the length of the competition is as of yet unset, but there's one thing for certain:
...it'll be RPGs only ;)