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<insert guitar solo>

Posted on 2005-12-12 19:14:21


just want to thank for uploading the source code on thissite's files resository instead...

pretty helpful for someone who's *not used* to CVS and SVN thingy like me ^^.

(it's hard to copy each source code files from many directories...)

please have the option of uploading new versions of the source code as one downloadable file.

Posted on 2005-12-13 06:14:12


Actually, it is an implementation of my master's thesis, the "autocoder". verge is a perfect testbed! Now, you can't control what it will code, or whether it will work, but since all it has to work with is verge, it should at least be interesting!

Posted on 2005-12-13 11:56:22

Omni it's self-programming?

Posted on 2005-12-13 18:59:55


I knew verge was going to take over the world someday... I just thought it would be commercially, not literally.

Posted on 2005-12-14 01:48:14


I scanned the source code last night, and I'm confused about what I read

theere was a #define for WINDOWS, then APPLE (which I presume to be for Mac VERGE) but I got excited when I saw PSP. Is it the accronym for PlayStation Portable?

Are you trying to make VERGE as emulator for PSP games?
If (PSP == "PlayStation Portable") {
} else {
//what does it mean then?

please respond, I'm just pretty stunned right now...

Posted on 2005-12-14 05:10:42


I don't think that's what that is for, lol. There's a few defines for __PSP__ in there, which leads me to believe that it was for future compiling on a PSP (or emulator). Just like the __APPLE__ defines.

-edit: Wow, it helps when I read posts first. I'm going to go commit suicide now.

Posted on 2005-12-14 15:51:48 (last edited on 2005-12-14 15:53:03)


Whaaaaaaaat the hell?

I'm impressed. When did you guys decide to make something out of VERGE. Hmm.

Anyone remember my old game Monty Vecna? It was about the fabled Tarkuss north-map bug that manifested and killed things. VERGE will take over the world apparently. :(

Posted on 2005-12-15 03:31:34

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