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Hi there everyone. It's been pretty quiet around here lately. How are you? We should meet more often! I've brought something for you.

Things have been happening, I assure you. We've just all gotten afraid of telling anyone! Or maybe, the people who really want to talk are all talked out from Gruedorf posts. Whatever the reason, I'm breaking the silence! Over the last couple of days I made various fixes to bring the Mac OS version of the engine up to date. Then, I spent this evening putting together a new release of Sully, pulled from the SVN repository, based on McGrue's instructions. I've put them together, and I've brought it here for you to enjoy!

This isn't your grandma's Sully Chronicles. A lot of changes have happened since the Ancient Times. Most noticeable (at first) will be graphical updates pretty much everywhere. Another thing to take note of is the addition of entirely new sections of story!

I hear that all this stuff was planned all along but just never got into the earlier versions of the demo. It's very cool (and I don't just say that because I designed two of the towns and did some of the graphics :D). In any case, there are still plenty of warts -- this is very much a WIP version of the game. I hope that doesn't diminish your enjoyment of the game, though!

Click here for the Windows version.
Click here for the Mac OS version.

Play! Play and have fun! Play and be inspired!

Posted on 2008-04-20 21:13:50


Gayo, Kildorf and I have been hauling on Sully lately. All one needs to do is check out the SVN logs to see we've been not letting a day go by of late without some changes being added to Sully.

It's also of note than Kildorf, Overkill, and myself have also been working on the engine a bit!

So... yeah!

Posted on 2008-04-21 12:11:34


as I download the sully for win32, can't believe that its actually 11MB!?!

I thought kildorf changed the whole sprite for Darin. He gave me a preview before.

anyways, nice work. its good to know that Sully is being updated.

Posted on 2008-04-24 19:12:17


I just realized that the cardinal sin of verge was committed.

A Sully release was made without updating Sully's speech text :( :( :(

Posted on 2008-04-25 02:13:04


Eh, it's only a sin if there's combat now. Otherwise it's just going to be new words with the same meaning. ;)

Posted on 2008-04-25 14:42:50


no battle? well. its nice that the planning mock-up battlescreen is left in the "battle" folder.

(anyways, I suggest that we should start zipping our files with 7-zip. The 18.2MB "2008_04_20_sully_win" was zipped down to 10.5MB unlike the the release with 11.8MB.)

Posted on 2008-04-25 19:10:08


I noticed while playing it, that after the main character (I'm better at remembering faces than names |:P) and everyone else splashes into the pool of water, that they continue falling forever ,:O. The only way I could prevent that is when I pressed the arrow keys before they could fall forever.

Posted on 2008-05-04 18:18:56

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