Demo Alarm (PHAGE)
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Dude GMW has totally released a V3 demo of PHAGE.

"What's PHAGE?" you ask, because you're stupid. PHAGE was one of the best V1 games; it was long, had a fairly good plot, and boasted interesting level design, minigames, and eventually even a battle system. Now it's been ported to V3 for a new generation of VERGERs to enjoy!

Well...sort of. What we've got here is just a tantalizing glimpse of things to come. There are shops and a rudimentary menu system, but no save/load functionality or battles, and it's really short -- it ends just before you meet the beaver mayor guy, for those of you who have actually played it before. The ghost minigames are still in, though, if you're into that. So, if you're familiar with PHAGE or looking for a real gaming experience, you might want to wait on the next release. However, anyone else should take a look at this, if only because it is a goddamn V1-to-V3 port and deserves mad props.

Maybe I should actually talk a bit about the game? PHAGE is the story of Sam, a frog in a world of talking animals. He goes on a quest to save his village and ends up discovering secrets about the nature of his world. ,,,shut up, it's awesome! This is what you might call the girl with the great personality -- the graphics and UI are unimpressive (and the new menus are actually a bit wonky), but it's really appealing somehow. The character portraits are cute and the (ripped) music is appealing, and the plot is rather more interesting than you would expect from something with this premise. Even if you pass over the demo, do keep an eye on this one.

Posted on 2005-12-24 17:04:25 (last edited on 2005-12-24 17:05:38)


Just so we're clear on this, there was no way I could figure my way out through that forest maze. I looked through the VC code and talked to the beaver in the Inn, and I had the vague idea that I was supposed to reverse the Beaver's directions and go east, south, east, north, north once I entered the forest.

But for some reason this didn't work for Omni, and even going through the VC code, it didn't look like moving south would increment the maze code to let me proceed. Eventually I got fed up and just changed it to put me on the next map :)

Though. Music is very nice and catchy. Very interesting demo with witty dialogue. I like. I especially like the ending. Error on Line 200. Heh.

Posted on 2005-12-28 12:09:24


I eventually just sold my initial equipment and paid for the teleport.

Posted on 2005-12-28 15:16:10


Originally posted by Gayo

I eventually just sold my initial equipment and paid for the teleport.


*runs off to do the same*


haha, that was the best ending ever :P and a very enjoyable demo. I actually remember playing the original V1 version all those many moons ago, so it brought back some memories as well. :)

Look forward to playing more!

Posted on 2005-12-29 00:41:45 (last edited on 2005-12-29 00:56:57)


...I should have thought of that equipment thing. The ending was pretty good, but...was that a genuine forest bug? It certainly seemed insurmountable, but maybe I'm just lazy, and I'd hate not to give fair credit for a good puzzle.

Posted on 2005-12-29 08:53:26


Bleh. Blame bad map design.

The actual layout is (somewhat, if the board doesn't mangle it *too* much) like so:

___|_ |____E
| |
W |

Note that where you enter is actually the *west* entrance, and you have to go north and around to reach the east side.
I've often sold my stuff to speed things up as well, tho', during playtesting...

Posted on 2005-12-30 20:15:49

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