Demo Alarm
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So you may have noticed lately how we have been languishing in utter disgrace, what with no new build for over a year and multiple crippling website problems. Like a deadbeat boyfriend, we promise that we'll get these things sorted real soon now, even if we won't. And you'll put up with it, because you can't look into these eyes and say "No," now, can you?

But we do have something for you at least; it's something we didn't make, which is the easiest kind of something from out standpoint. Before you lies rpgking's Unnamed Dragon Quest Thingy! This is a picture-perfect emulation of the Dragon Quest GUI, and it manages to fit in a lot of really nice touches like the weird way your party surrounds the wagon on the map. Combined with the ripped tiles it's a punch in the nostalgia gland.

Like Choris' demo below, this one doesn't really have much to do, but it's worthy of mention for the verisimilitude alone. The BS isn't done yet, but everything else is shockingly accurate and well-implemented. The Dragon Quest games always had an insufferable UI, so it may seem perverse to go to this much trouble to duplicate it, but that's nostalgia for you, and here at VERGE we are all about nostalgia. So download this demo and remember a time before the crushing responsibilities of daily life destroyed your spirit!

Posted on 2006-12-19 23:39:14 (last edited on 2006-12-19 23:42:09)


here's what I experience as of the moment:
- can't get into any battle, room (when in town), town (when in world map).
- unfinished map and layers.

Posted on 2007-01-04 08:00:22


Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

So download this demo and remember a time before the crushing responsibilities of daily life destroyed your spirit!

How I miss those days. ;_;

Posted on 2007-01-22 16:14:03


It'd be nice to be a robot.

Posted on 2007-02-06 20:59:51

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