Well it's sure been a busy couple of weeks around here. There are some new demos for your perusal:
-ShadowClock: A clock! It tells time. By Shadow64
-Space Flight: Groundwork for one of those all-range space flight trading games by TomT64
-Overkill's Textbox: A neato textbox demo by Overkill in which he attempts to get an avatar, and prods vecna to add map support. HA. GOOD LUCK.
- Verge 3 TextBox Demo: Another textbox demo, this one by TomT64 again. This one has scrolling text and WACKY gradient effects.
-Zodiakos Menu Library: An early version showing off some more textbox things. Oh my this has been a good week for textboxes! This one comes to you from Blues Zodiakos.
That's it for the new stuff. In case you already forgot, there's plenty of stuff to check out right now, such as zaril's demoscene thing, pepperX by the ever lovable gungnir, Pulser by zeromus tatsumi and myself, and FINALLY Timeless by my main man vecna.
So I guess that's everything. Bye.