By way of formal announcement, I have a new development blog up at
I'm making a habit of updating daily, so anybody interested in tooling around with Java code for fun in various VERGE-related ways can drop in and tinker with me!
At the moment I'm covering topics mainly relating to map editing tools, but if there's something you're particularly interested in, mention it! Anything related to game development is welcome. Chances are I'll find a way to work it into a post, or at least give you my two cents.
The idea is to push a lot of code out the door daily. Whether it's simple or complex, the focus will be on
demonstration and
discussion. We'll make some stuff. Toss it into a pen full of wild llamas. Poke it with a stick. Ask it to pass the salt. Learn about
feelings. Or at least one of the above.
Come one, come all! Unadulterated blogospherical bliss will be ours!