From clams... to poop!
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The living legend, Blue_Star, has released a demo of a v3 remix of License to Poop! This sidescroller casts you as Titicaca, a Pu bird out for revenge against the tyrannical VergeCorp, which destroyed his home forest.

Edit: There is a new patch to give you more ammo so it's less hard.

(some rootin' tootin' poopin)

A definite literary masterpiece. Check out the demo. Bluey promises a full release in december.

Also, here's some screenshots from the recent release of Sully, which I left out of the previous post due to tiredness and laziness.

(dexter's learnin' pays off)

(the fiend!)

(Magus' henchman Gayo, by way of the internet tagboard)

Also, three cheers for Loretian, who spend an overnight session at his workplace upgrading the server that hosts us. Not only do we now have a bigger HD with a fatty cache, but soon we will have some backup action to safeguard against the potential loss of half a gig of VERGE history. You rock, lore!

Posted on 2004-10-18 02:01:29 (last edited on 2004-10-18 04:44:47)


wow, I had forgot about the tagboard thing in Sully. That thing rocks!

Posted on 2004-10-18 02:26:45


Whoa, I never came across a room with a computer in the Sully Demo. The only internet stuff I saw was when talking to that sad octopus.

Posted on 2004-10-18 05:00:53


Wait - Gayo is in Licence to Poop AND Sully!?

Also, the computer is in Darin's house (Darin McDarin? Of the clan McDarin? Who cannot die, except by beheading?)

Posted on 2004-10-18 10:52:26 (last edited on 2004-10-18 10:53:46)


Beheading... or exploding labs.

Posted on 2004-10-18 11:32:11


Well, being exploded would SORT of behead you, wouldn't it?

Posted on 2004-10-18 18:18:54


Depends on how big an explosion, how much shrapnel, etc etc...

Posted on 2004-10-18 19:26:31


Well, the lab explosion certainly SEEMS to kill Darin dead, so I think we can assume that it's big enough.

Posted on 2004-10-19 10:19:47

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