So yeah, I woke up at 1 PM yesterday and I've been coding various things VERGE related since about 4 PM yesterday. minus some lengthy conversations with Bob, that's almost a troy fu... well, it's a lot of work.
Not to be outdone, vecna has also been working his hind-end off in the last day or two. What can I say, it was a full moon and all the Were-Bens felt the urge to dust off their respective, mammoth codebases.
Anyways, as far as the site goes, you may notice that Neon Justice looks more consistant in general. This is due to about 15 hours of CSS grooming through the site to make it friendly for new themes (and ultimately easier to maintain for old ones). Techno Geisha and the rest of teh themes are a little under the weather, but it'll be a few days/weeks/eons before I feel the urge to open another css file... so hopefully Toen'd like to do it as it's really just a 30 minute task per template ;)
The more observant of you may've realized I switched the default theme to Bob's new Green Jelly. It's pretty, but there's still a few components left to go. Everyone should tell Bob how much he rocks, 'cuz he does.
Also of note is that there's some *limited* search capabilities on the site now. If I need to show you were, you're out of the community. Only forum and user search is in now (user search was always in, really, but out-of-the-way), and Docs and Files searching (the useful ones) will be in sometime in the next few days (for real). Unfortunatly, this unexplainable coding binge has put me behind the ball with my otherworldly projects, and slightly under the weather to boot.
In other news, the Magnificent Zip is back from his crazy Briton Adventures and is, as we speak, crafting Sully Simpletype's menu libraries. I've gotten up to the Jujube labs completed mapscripting wise, so we've got a few more days to go in that regard... but in true Sully fashion, there'll be more added to it than there was before. It'll be good to have those forward-steps again like back in the '90's, yo.
I'm sure I'm missing something, but I'm super retardo-tired! So... yeah.