I've been VERGEing for years and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!
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Okie dokie. But can we leave this to about, two weeks time? I have finals coming up.. my mind is bursting with 6 courses. :\

I'll buy it for sure. (If its not too expensive.. I haven't checked out the price!). You have my word. :D

Posted on 2004-07-27 05:54:12


About $30 Canadian. It's abit expensive, but I figure I'll still get it. For VERGE-PRYDE~!

Posted on 2004-07-27 06:24:30

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford.
Verge-rpg.com is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.