I've been VERGEing for years and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!
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After seven years, we've finally decided to sell out.

That's right, after all this time, we've designed an official piece of merchandise.

So without further ado, let me introduce our first-ever T-shirt design, which is hopefully interesting enough that you'd want to wear it in public:

(Edit: Updated design)

Upon donning this shirt you proclaim to the world that you're a field agent for the US Department of Retrogaming: the only agency in the world with the power to proclaim games safe for public use!

The T-shirt is of the popular Ringer T variety (click for visual reference). It's a heather grey base with navy blue neck and arm rings. The above USDR logo is on the front, and the v3 logo and our URL are on the left sleeve.

For all of you who were following the most recent HoV, a free copy of this shirt was the mystery prize. SDHawk and Salamando apparently have let Troupe claim it as his own. I can only imagine that a fierce game of Rock-Paper-Scissors was involved.

We will be taking pre-orders for this shirt until August 14th, at which time we'll have them printed up and yours truely will be shipping them out from my warehouse/apartment. We may or may not continue to stock them depending on how well they sell, so please, buy early and buy often! ;)

If we do end up selling well, vecna and I have been discussing a three-pack of buttons, as well as other things, but we shall wait and see.

At any rate, why don't you support your local Triumvirate and...

[pre-order your t-shirt today!]

Posted on 2004-07-24 07:29:29 (last edited on 2004-07-29 11:01:40)


My rock-paper-scissors skills are unmatched, this is a well known fact. I shall wear this shirt proudly, and take hawt pix for everyone's enjoyment. And many thanks to Salamando and SDHawk, its a great honor! :D

Posted on 2004-07-24 07:49:13


When the time comes to post pictures of people wearing these shirts, I hope we get a few of the female persuasion...

...not that I don't think you're sexay, Troupe.

Posted on 2004-07-24 09:48:14


Fascist shirts, great. Go to hell money-eaters! Burn the Triumvirate!

I could never walk around with US printed on my shirt here, people would beat me up. I had hoped the Verge t-shirt would be devoid of the patriotic ugly, alas american patriotism can't be stopped, soon it will EAT OUR SUN AND WE SHALL ALL FREEZE TO DEATH, THANK YOU AMERICA.

Posted on 2004-07-24 10:48:00


Quote:Originally posted by zaril

Fascist shirts, great. Go to hell money-eaters! Burn the Triumvirate!

I could never walk around with US printed on my shirt here, people would beat me up. I had hoped the Verge t-shirt would be devoid of the patriotic ugly, alas american patriotism can't be stopped, soon it will EAT OUR SUN AND WE SHALL ALL FREEZE TO DEATH, THANK YOU AMERICA.

The U.S. part is kind of unfortunate... thankfully I won't get beaten up here. Probably just funny looks. I'm going to see what I can do about ordering one of these, but it would be cool to have a more international version at some point. :D

And please hold back on that whole eating the sun thing, I need that to hurt my eyes on the rare occasion that I venture outside.

Posted on 2004-07-24 15:31:48


Think I'll get a marker out on mine and change the S to a K. :D

But, yeah, very cool, despite being a kinda university sports club piss take type thing...


Posted on 2004-07-24 15:40:22


If it's that much of a problem, th edesign isn't hurt at all by removing the two letters...

Posted on 2004-07-24 18:00:49


mwhahaha! User base presure! Verge does seem at least 50% Canadian/Deutsch/UK/(anyone else?) at the moment... :D


Posted on 2004-07-24 18:24:15


The customer is always right.

And yeah, I'd say most of the users are non-yankee. Even though half of this country would be offended by being called a yankee. (haha, suck it bitches, you LOST!)


Anyways, I based the whole concept of the design off of this off the cuff comment from the fearless leader. So I just worked with it verbatim.

I don't think anyone will mind if I remove the first two letters. I intentionally didn't make it "United States" on the design because I kept having the niggling feeling that it might be illegal to try an impersonate a federal agency, even if it's fictitious, so I was leaving it as an excercise to the user to figure out what the letters stood for.

Posted on 2004-07-24 18:38:51 (last edited on 2004-07-24 18:40:56)


ehehe - and off the cuff remark worth preserving. I'm suprised you didn't include the resolution bit too. :D

(Man, I'm on a board spamming mission today)


Posted on 2004-07-24 18:41:26


"Winners use 320x240." - Director B. Eirich, DoRG

Posted on 2004-07-24 18:42:39


I'm curious; isn't there anything that alludes to "verge-rpg.com" or anything on the T-Shirt. :D~

I'd like it myself, but the U.S. thing is a little too narrow I think. If you could expand the term to something global, universal, I think it would be great :D

Posted on 2004-07-24 20:02:49



Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

The T-shirt is of the popular Ringer T variety (click for visual reference). It's a heather grey base with navy blue neck and arm rings. The above USDR logo is on the front, and the v3 logo and our URL are on the left sleeve.

Emphasis added.

Yeah, I'll just make it Department of Retrogaming. I didn't really think the take into account that over half of the active community isn't American.

Posted on 2004-07-24 20:46:23


:D great!.. Now.. if only I have some way of getting the money to you guys.. ~_~

Posted on 2004-07-24 21:09:21


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

When the time comes to post pictures of people wearing these shirts, I hope we get a few of the female persuasion...

...not that I don't think you're sexay, Troupe.

Not to burst your bubble, but... how many female VERGEers are there? Tulokyn and Miko? Also I don't mind the U.S. but I'm a U.S. citizen bwahahaha. I can see your points though. Too bad everyone hates America ;_;

Posted on 2004-07-24 22:41:57


Quote:Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)

Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

When the time comes to post pictures of people wearing these shirts, I hope we get a few of the female persuasion...

...not that I don't think you're sexay, Troupe.

Not to burst your bubble, but... how many female VERGEers are there? Tulokyn and Miko? Also I don't mind the U.S. but I'm a U.S. citizen bwahahaha. I can see your points though. Too bad everyone hates America ;_;

qft :(

Posted on 2004-07-24 22:43:59


Quote:Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)

Also I don't mind the U.S. but I'm a U.S. citizen bwahahaha. I can see your points though. Too bad everyone hates America ;_;

I'm not a Yank, and I don't hate the US...

Just thought I'd mention. :)

Posted on 2004-07-25 00:28:11


Ah yes, but you're also a loser no one cares about. Ahahahah!


Sorry, this is just my way of justifying my lack of work on Midsummer ;_;

Posted on 2004-07-25 04:38:50


Quote:Originally posted by Troupe

Ah yes, but you're also a loser no one cares about. Ahahahah!


Sorry, this is just my way of justifying my lack of work on Midsummer ;_;

That's ok. :D I'm not touching Midsummer just yet; not before I get a new fucking tablet.

Posted on 2004-07-25 04:53:30


Whew, at least I'm not the only one putting it off. Is Alex even working on it?

Posted on 2004-07-25 04:54:29

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