Idling... and some pimping!
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Still no advance on the verge 3 side of things. Things are looking up, however, seeing as Zero has quit school to become a full time hippie. More on this as it progresses.

In other news, verge alumnus and art bitch evilbob has been making games and trying to make it professionally. Check out the downloadable demo, and if you're a publisher, consider publishing them. I must say that the finished game has quite high production values, and is fun to play. In a word, professional

Furthermore, if you're not a publisher, but you'd like to help poor evilbob not die starving on the streets of Pheonix, you can always contract him to do work. His website contains a gallery of his works, he's an accomplished painter and 3d modeller, and every website linked here (and the one you're presently at) he's completly designed. He can make websites that don't use blue, if asked.

So, if you're intrested, give him an email. He's only got a little work on his plate right now, and we'd all like it if there was more. Yeah.

Thus concludes Grue's pimping out of bob.

Posted on 2002-11-09 03:48:02

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.