It's the Demo Alarm!
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Forumite designer Eldritch just released an early demo of his game, [Epic of Serinor]. This is a very old-school RPG in the spirit of the Dragon Warriors: you build a party of faceless adventurers from a selection of classes and head out to fight monsters in a first-person turn-based battle system. Selinor captures the feel of a late NES or early SNES RPG, with minimal character interaction but the potential for a lot of world interaction and exploration.

The graphics are weak and the plot is light so far, but don't be fooled: this is a very promising demo with an interesting and well-realized system. To play it is to awaken the primal race memories of countless generations of prehistoric gamers that sleep in the dark corners of your psyche.

By the way, Eldritch has expressed his intention to make the saves from this demo forward-compatible with all future versions of the game; if he can manage this, there's even more reason to give it a look now.

Posted on 2004-09-05 23:57:47 (last edited on 2004-09-12 20:53:11)


Weak? Bah! They're rustic.

Posted on 2004-09-06 00:00:55


While I appreciate the sentiment Grue, some of the graphics are just weak. I'm secure enough to admit that.

Everything else he said, though, I'm flattered by. I could do far worse for my debut on the news page.

Posted on 2004-09-06 07:42:59


If not for the Renegades I might not have said that, since weak graphics are a part of VERGE games and you did them all yourself. But the Renegades were so goofy-looking it was downright shocking.

There are some nice graphical touches, though. It's nice to see the enemies flashing and the screen shaking, and I really like the way torches slowly grow dimmer rather than just turning off at a certain point.

Posted on 2004-09-06 19:53:25

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