Last call on pre-orders...
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Just a reminder that pre-orders for the T-shirt end soon. The deadline has been slightly extended to Tuesday, August 19th due to me being out of town on a trip over the weekend.

If you are ordering via mail-order, make sure to email me and confirm that I've noted your order and to confirm your size.

Also, to anyone paying via the website: there is no 'notes' field as previously advertised. You will need to email me once your order is placed.

I will also be double-checking via email all mailing addresses before shipping out the shirts.

In other news, I call dibs on buying aen Doom 3 as a get-well present. In the case that he's already been given it, I'll have to go back to the drawing boards. As has been stated before, if a new game from Id can't heal him, nothing can. Carmack-code is like Aen's spinach!

Also, in case anyone was wondering if Zaratustra was real or not...

[image removed at request of angry brazilian]

And he does smile... just not on camera. Although, that odd angle kinda makes him look like Zeux... hrm....

Posted on 2004-08-11 15:29:09 (last edited on 2004-09-12 21:20:23)


Reminds me of the buttler in the Adams Family!

Posted on 2004-08-11 17:52:16


So he is real.... interesting.

Posted on 2004-08-11 18:04:37


The legends are true! Hail, the great Verge god of productivity who doth truly walk among us!

Err, hi, i'm new.

Posted on 2004-08-11 23:22:45


Hi, Brainkill! Welcome aboard.

Why did Zara want his handsome mug removed?

Posted on 2004-08-12 03:20:04


Because he's a suckyboy! :D

(and he's not paying attention as I write this. Mwahaha.)

Posted on 2004-08-12 03:21:05


Zara's mug? Put it back up... hehe or post a link to it. I didn't get to see it. :(

Posted on 2004-08-12 05:10:26


Quote:Originally posted by Brainkill

Err, hi, i'm new.

Brainkill, I remember you! At least, I remember someone with your name, who may or may not have been you...

Posted on 2004-08-12 18:00:16


Hey, good memory. Yeah, it's me. I'm the one that showered your game with praise in your guestbook, although my comments didn't actually all fit in the text area.

I've actually been following Verge since '98 or '99, but I still haven't contributed a single thing to the Verge community, which I guess still makes me a lAme N00bie suXor.

Posted on 2004-08-13 09:22:05


Quote:Originally posted by Brainkill

Hey, good memory. Yeah, it's me. I'm the one that showered your game with praise in your guestbook, although my comments didn't actually all fit in the text area.

I've actually been following Verge since '98 or '99, but I still haven't contributed a single thing to the Verge community, which I guess still makes me a lAme N00bie suXor.

I contributed to Alex's guestbook once. It cut me short too. Alex's guest book is annoying. Midsummer is very cool though. Yes.

Posted on 2004-08-14 23:58:09


Geocities haven't considered the possiblility of people wanting to leave a comment of more than 255 characters on any of their guestbooks. But thank you for your cut-off comments all the same. :)

Posted on 2004-08-15 18:23:42


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Geocities haven't considered the possiblility of people wanting to leave a comment of more than 255 characters on any of their guestbooks. But thank you for your cut-off comments all the same. :)

And furthermore I-

Posted on 2004-08-15 23:29:39


So uh... how did the shirt sales pan out?

Posted on 2004-08-25 05:09:09

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