Look! There's files! <:o
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Well, my plea on the message boards has had some of it's desired effect, but we can all do better. I'm sure ya'll've noticed the marked absence of files from the verge1 and verge2 sections of the site, and we need you, that's right, you, to help us fill them!

What shall I submit, you ask? Any demo made with verge1 or verge2. That's it. It need not be made by you. The only requirement for submission is that it not be on the site currently.

How do I submit, you ask? Well... you should see in the menu bar to your left that under each of the two engine's sections there's a link to the 'submit' page. Click on it! From there on out, it's as easy as making a post on the message board. Note that you may want to login anonymously to verge-rpg.com's FTP* and upload the demo, but it can be linked to an external site. This is frowned upon, as local copies are 100% reliable, but such is life.

Now... Submit to my will by submitting files! Mwahahahaha!

Right. And in other news, VERGE 2.6 continues to exist. Remember to report any and all bugs to The_speed_bump. I know I have ;)

Well... in fairness to speedy, it was all due to my ancient and sucky videocard.

Anyways, in the dubiously established tradition here, I shall present you with your moment of zen:

Oh my god!  I'm moving to live with... this?!
we have discovered something remarkable about this young man.

*Using an FTP client, log into


using port 21. You should be brought to a public upload directory. Go nuts.

Posted on 2000-12-12 08:08:18

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford.
Verge-rpg.com is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.