Lua Luau: Want to learn Lua?
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Want to learn Lua?

Our own Overkill has written a reference over at: This page is more geared towards verge, but isn't a beginners tutorial.

For more detailed informations, try hitting up the lua-users docs over at

Posted on 2009-07-21 11:59:45


Schitzophrenic, but useful.

Posted on 2009-07-21 13:35:03


I plan on making another tutorial that is less of a coding in Lua reference and more about how to use the LuaVerge codes, and vx. I imagine this would be a tad more useful. I might do that for Pirate Adventure Plus.

Kildorf's up to some tutorializin' too, but I don't see any articles yet! >_>

Posted on 2009-07-21 14:18:09 (last edited on 2009-07-21 14:18:50)

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