MapEd 3.0.1 Released.
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MapEd 3.0.1 has been released.

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Maped 3 - 3.0.1

  • 0000005: [Display] removing zones from the map list doesn't remove them from the map (tatsumi)
  • 0000007: [General] Missing help file can cause crashes. (tatsumi)
  • 0000001: [Display] VSP animations do not display (tatsumi)
  • 0000003: [Importing] Import as Layer misbehaving (tatsumi)

Posted on 2007-03-01 01:48:16 (last edited on 2007-03-01 17:13:12)


Another bug: When you floodfill outside the map, it freezes and says the "send error report thing. I think it's because it does an endless loop trying to fill outside of the map.

Posted on 2007-03-01 17:24:17


If you have a bug to report go to the bug tracker mentioned in the previous news post, as he stated it's the ONLY way to ask about bugs. Secondly, this problem is likely related to the floodfill bug that has already been reported on the bug tracker:
  • 0000004: [Map Editing] floodfill crashes on big maps

Posted on 2007-03-01 17:43:12 (last edited on 2007-03-01 17:45:37)


This version of maped crashes under Vista x64. Here's the problem signature:

event name: CLR20r3
signature 1: maped3
signature 2: 1.0.2615.40013
signature 3: 45e66f1a
signature 4: maped3
signature 5: 1.0.2615.40013
signature 6: 45e66f1a
signature 7: 137
signature 8: e
signature 9: System.BadImageFormatException

I've tried to go to the bug tracker page, but opera gives me the following error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/pr2/web/bugs/core/adodb/drivers/ on line 338

The older version (1.0.1731.32420) of maped3 that comes with v3_engine_2005_12_11 runs fine though. :)

Posted on 2007-05-29 04:13:42

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