MapEd3 Release
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First of a series of beta MapEd releases. Reply to this thread with bugs/concerns.

Maped3 2007-02-25 beta

- Fixed: Various VSP Import crashes
- Fixed: Many .NET 2.0 Incompatabilities
- Fixed: VSPController was not being invalidated in some cases.
- Fixed: V2 VSPs will now correctly convert transparency
- Added: Ability to export tilesets without the grid
- Added: Option to create a layer based on imported vsp contents
- Removed: 'saving prefs' message when exiting.

Posted on 2007-02-25 04:37:42


Quote:Originally posted by Tatzen

- Added: Ability to export tilesets without the grid


Thank you! You are the greatest!

Posted on 2007-02-25 23:52:51 (last edited on 2007-02-25 23:53:19)


Wah wah wee wah!

Posted on 2007-02-27 13:40:38


Note, there is a bug with importing layers. I should have a fix out tonight or tomorrow that fixes that and the animations not working.

- Tat

Posted on 2007-02-27 23:05:41

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