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Wanting shirts is good. Getting shirts means going [here]. ;)

Posted on 2004-09-06 03:34:37


Two things:

1. I never have been a big fan of logoed T-shirts. But seeing how cool you look in them makes me consider getting one anyway.

2. Damn Grue, you look BADASS!

Posted on 2004-09-08 05:10:53


1) Well, it's not exactly our logo. the v3/verge connection is discretely revealed on the sleeve.

Posted on 2004-09-08 18:45:45


Ah! But it is _A_ logo never the less. Anyway, it has little to do with the fact that it actually has a logo on it. I just find all non-white non-vneck t-shirts extremely unconformable, because I am crazy you see. Damn, does that make me a t-racist?

Posted on 2004-09-09 04:43:35


The first batch of T-shirts is in the mail. Scanned copies of the receipts included inside the packages will be sent out shortly by email.

Posted on 2004-09-09 20:52:01


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

The first batch of T-shirts is in the mail. Scanned copies of the receipts included inside the packages will be sent out shortly by email.

And I must say, they are the most awesome receipts that I have ever seen.

Posted on 2004-09-10 00:49:51


Okay, you're the third of three respondees to say that.

Resident said he was considering framing his.


...maybe I should look into a future in custom receipt-creation? ;)

Posted on 2004-09-10 01:38:54


Only after you get out however many Sullies are in the works, and SotS, at least. Then you can create custom receipts when you are selling your ideas to big companies, having forgotten all about us thanks to your constant binging on hard drugs and alcohol.

Man, every time I post it sounds like I'm trying to suck up to McGrue. Damn it.

Edit: Although, reading this post again, I'm not sure if implying that he will forsake us for drugs and booze is really "sucking up". Ah well.

Posted on 2004-09-10 02:07:36 (last edited on 2004-09-10 02:42:51)


Bah, drugs aren't hard... They're quite easy in fact!


Posted on 2004-09-10 12:47:46


Hey! Get some V3 decals made with 'Free. Like your mom.' on them. I would gladly purchase some. I wanna put some on my truck :)

Posted on 2004-09-12 23:02:07


vecna and I had been discussing stocking some decals and buttons. Not sure exactly when though, seeing as we're still running slightly at a loss right now.

Ahh well... it's the price to pay for pride in such high quality awesomness! ;D

As soon as y'all get your shirts, I demand photos. Especially of females in them.

...let me qualify that...

Attractive human females.

They can be dead if still in a good condition, though. Godspeed, gentlemen.

Posted on 2004-09-12 23:05:33


Gah, I'm only home for today. Hopefully the apt manager collected it for me. I hope the mail guy tried to stuff it in my box instead of hauling it back to the P.O.

Posted on 2004-09-13 00:09:18


Actually MC, you probably have a few days to go, seeing as vec hasn't gotten his yet and he's about the closest shipping to me.

Posted on 2004-09-13 00:24:00


Cool, I'm growing an awesome 'Grue Beard' for my t-shirt photo.

Posted on 2004-09-15 18:56:04


When I work again I will get a shirt. Off topic: Angel Interceptor - really like the style - is that your art? It's good actually, and clever too.

Posted on 2004-09-16 10:05:21


Angel Interceptor is the inimitable styling of Mister Ira Marcks. You may recall Ira's work from the original SotS demo:

Posted on 2004-09-16 10:41:16

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