New Battle System demo from Choris! (He makes the good stuff...)
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Wargh! Maths. Me head hurty! Nooes!

I'm more of a words person, unfortunately. I was thrown out of A-Level maths for being crap. Don't know why I even signed up, really.

I was most sucessful in maths class when our tutor found a guess-the-tune-from-the-lyrics quiz sheet down the back of his desk and did that instead for a period or two.


Posted on 2006-10-17 18:29:04


Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

I was most sucessful in maths class when our tutor found a guess-the-tune-from-the-lyrics quiz sheet down the back of his desk and did that instead for a period or two.

Education has really degraded in america(Canada/US). And we still don't have mandatory hour gym class per day.... Im sooooo getting into politics... education reforms, here I come!

Posted on 2006-10-19 00:44:34


Mandatory gym in Grade 9 was torture enough for me ;_;

Posted on 2006-10-19 10:51:44


I actually kinda enjoyed mandatory gym in Grade 10 (last time I had gym -- and it was only half the year). When we were playing sports type things anyway.

They're still games, they just have more endorphins.

I did, however, hate the other stuff that we did in the class, things like the half-assed nutrition lectures and the accursed Beep Test. I hated them more because they seemed random and irrelevant than anything else.

Posted on 2006-10-19 15:36:55


Wait, there's non-mandatory gym classes?

Anyways, I didn't particularly like Gym back in the day, but I sorta miss it. It was sweaty playtime. The only time I get sweaty playtime with that many people these days, everyone's wearing leather and the only balls involved are gaggi... AND THAT'S ALL THE TIME WE HAVE TODAY CLASS SEE YOU ON MONDAY.

Posted on 2006-10-20 18:44:44


Have you seen American kids lately? They're fat! All they do is drink high fructose corn syrup, eat corn tortilla or corn meal chips, and smoke their corn cob pipes! I say more gym! Even if they don't get any real excersize, at least being the fat kids picked last at dodgeball will maybe give them an eating disorder.

Hmm, unless the fat kids are already the majority. Well, then at least the FATTEST kid will get picked last.

Posted on 2006-10-21 01:03:53


Well, humains are biologically made to be active, but our society forces us to lead sedimentary lives thus the body is aliened to sports. So most people find it hard to do exercise only because they are not used to it. So the trick is to forces yourself to do regular exercices for like a long continous time and eventually your body is gonna get it's groove back. And the benefits of doing exercices are endless! Energy, good nights of sleep, keep your health, have fun, fights depression and if you like, get those pecs and six-pack made.

To put it in RPG term, imagine playing an RPG and staying always in the same town and never leaving it to get to other towns or to fight battles.

Anyway, I dont do much exercices anymore either, but I'm trying to combat that. Except working on the muscles, LOL.

Posted on 2006-10-21 23:30:20


You guys used to have mandatory gym classes? What the hell is the point with that? Get changed, bugger about on some gym equipment, get changed again, now too knackered to think straight..

Exercise should be something you want to do for crissake. I didn not relish playing rugby in the freezing cold, up to my elbows in thick dirt, I can tell you. Cycling, though? No probem. Tennis? Don't mind if I do. Why the hell do schools have to make exercise crap by assuming they know what you want, eh?

Posted on 2006-10-22 17:48:08 (last edited on 2006-10-22 23:22:59)


American schools don't make you play rugby, in the cold or otherwise :3

Posted on 2006-10-22 23:24:20


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

American schools don't make you play rugby, in the cold or otherwise :3
I played rugby in high school! I think my gym teacher may have just really really liked rugby though.

It wasn't so bad. Though I always got picked for the scrums or whatever they were called, because I'm bigger than most people. :( At least I was loose-head prop!

Posted on 2006-10-23 09:32:14


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

American schools don't make you play rugby, in the cold or otherwise :3

I gather American Football is just as bad, only with more protection.

Last time I played rugby, one of the guys in the team I was on ran straight into the goalpost and broke his arm. I opted for hockey instead and on my first try got whacked over the head with a hockey stick and split my eyebrow. Had to have butterfly stitches and a bloody great bandage over it for a couple of weeks.

Posted on 2006-10-23 17:00:32


Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

I gather American Football is just as bad, only with more protection.

Last time I played rugby, one of the guys in the team I was on ran straight into the goalpost and broke his arm. I opted for hockey instead and on my first try got whacked over the head with a hockey stick and split my eyebrow. Had to have butterfly stitches and a bloody great bandage over it for a couple of weeks.

Well, sports doesn't equal violence, unless you are playing with retards(which happens more often then I like). Aren't you in the UK though, where youths invent stuff like happy slapping.

There are still sports like tennis where you can choose someone to your liking to play the game with.

Edit : Btw, to get back on topic for the sake of Choris... I really like your menu system. I might try to see if I can customize it and use it if you dont mind.... and if I can understand the code... lol

Posted on 2006-10-23 21:21:57 (last edited on 2006-10-23 21:24:51)


"Happy Slapping" is a great deal rarer than you may first imagine. Top of my list of reasons for this is that you have to be a complete cock to acknowledge it as a valid pasttime to begin with: which somewhat limits it's appeal.

It came about because a large group of disaffected kids got highly bored and decided to mix their two hobbies - doing stuff with mobile phones and pissing people off - into one. Ironically, a few months down the line and the whole thing's gotten rather boring, so they're moving on.

Plus, of course, it's never a good idea to record yourself commiting a crime: some dope nicked some random guy's glasses, posted his movie on YouTube and was promptly arrested by the local constabulary after they watched it. Yes. Not the sharpest tool in the box.

Posted on 2006-10-29 17:23:48


This thread has officially gone down the crapper and I hope to bring it back. Have any of you considered a side scrolling feel to make a battle system, heavy on the twitch? I tried playing around with what I would need for that and found it took some intensive coding times, and even then I kept running into problems like my character running off the side of the screen and such. Although with the amount of work I have put in I can say that I definitely will be better prepared the next time I need to make something of this feel.

If you wanna take a look at the little code I put together, then I can upload it.

Posted on 2007-05-07 20:28:39

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