New HOV Contest
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I noticed Ear posted this on the boards and thought this should be news:

A new HoV is being held this Friday.

This contest will last 72 hours and will run from August 10th, 6 PM EST to August 13th, 6 PM EST.

The current rules are as follows:

  • Your team must consist of no more than four members.
  • All components used in the game must be original and may not be created before the time of the contest. This includes, but is not limited to source code, graphics and story. The only exception to this is music, which does not need to be original.
  • Your game must adhere to the theme given to you.
  • Your game must be turned in on time.
  • You may use any version of VERGE available. This includes V1, V2, V2.7 and their variants.

    The HoV coordinator, Jeff, can be contacted at or through ICQ at #123389070, or preferably at #HoV on The entries must be sent to the coordinator via one of the mediums. You must also register your team before the time of the contest.

    Good luck.

  • Posted on 2001-08-09 09:52:01

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    Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
    It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.