New verge.exe WIP
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For those of you who like new exes, I just built a new windows executable current as of today's svn revision (200). You can get it at: username: anonymous password: anonymous For those interested in making modifications to the verge executable, I posted instructions on how to add a new vc function over at New in this revision are the final two functions of this list (but you may not have been aware of the rest of them...) :
So there you go. A new WIP build of the EXE. If a mac-haver would like to compile the current revision we can bottle it all up and officialize it! Please: test the crap out of it. Man, It's way too late. Who loves ya, baby?
Posted on 2008-02-11 07:01:20
That's right, for my gruedorf work this week I added functionality to v3 and posted a new executable.
You are all pathetic worms compared to the awe-inspiring glory of the grue. Look upon my works, Ye 'Mighty', and despair.
Posted on 2008-02-11 07:10:27 (last edited on 2008-02-11 07:11:14)
Grue, have you looked at the SVN logs lately? I've been making engine updates like it's going out of style.
... Anyway, yeah, someone needs to get the mac build working. Maybe me I guess?
Posted on 2008-02-11 15:06:17
I need a mac version too!
Posted on 2008-02-12 12:40:11
Kildorf, these are patent lies of the sort that I've come to expect from you, my uncouth enemy.
Posted on 2008-02-13 00:13:34 (last edited on 2008-02-13 23:02:54)
Okay, I gave you like a day to fix it.
Might you have meant "patent lies of the sort that you've come to expect from me"?
Posted on 2008-02-13 19:59:45 (last edited on 2008-02-14 06:51:46)
/me whistles.
Posted on 2008-02-13 23:03:06
new windows build.
a need on mac build.
hey! how about the gnu/linux build? there never was a release, is there?
Posted on 2008-02-14 03:54:32
*shakes a fist at McGrue*
Creek: The Linux build is missing-in-action; not sure what happened to it. I personally don't have a Linux box set up such that I could get one made, so I don't know when we'll get one of those.
I've been trying to get the Mac build going but I'm running up against a bunch of cryptic errors that I think might be related to the Universal binary. I'm not too sure, since my Mac development experience is still fairly limited. I am trying though!
Posted on 2008-02-14 06:54:48
I have Ubuntu installed on here, it's just that I know nothing about developing ACTUAL applications on Linux. All application code I've written has either been terminal programs or Java Swing GUIs, neither of which are particularly useful. If I found the spare time to learn some SDL, Linux-specific internal stuffs, and actually figure out how to build this project (seeing as there's no makefile as far as I can tell - so I'd have to import the Visual Studio/xcode project into an easier-to-compile-with-g++ Linux-friendly format) under a Linux machine, maybe I'd be able to look into it.
Posted on 2008-02-14 14:56:58
Hey Kildorf! If you work on the engine so much why don't you marry it why don't you post to the news to tell all the awesome peopel about all the awesome things you just did?
Work nobody knows about is worthless.
That goes double for the overwhelming underkill.
You both have newsposting privs, remember?
Posted on 2008-02-15 11:59:56
Quote:Originally posted by Kildorf
I personally don't have a Linux box set up such that I could get one made, so I don't know when we'll get one of those. Ubuntu offers free CD and free shipping which you can safely install a dual boot with Windows. I don't know if it dual boots with Mac, tho.
Posted on 2008-02-15 19:09:31
Yes. They do. What they don't tell you is that as they upgrade ubuntu, more and more third party hardware becomes incompatible with it. The sad truth is, in the current state of computing, Windows or Macintosh OS's are necessary evils.
Posted on 2008-02-19 11:55:28
Windows is not evil, the company that develops it IS.
I've read that some MacOS dudes turn into GNU/Linux dudes since it is UNIX.
I am aware that most Free and Open Source developers are behind the GNU/Linux box. They could help further develop Verge.
But then again...
Posted on 2008-03-03 01:39:36