Okay, there will be a compo.
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There shall be a 2.5 weekcompo starting on Valentine's Day (ie, Feb. 14th).

It will last until March 4th.

That is all.

Posted on 2007-02-11 23:50:03


At what time on Valentine's Day until what time on March 4th? Also, time zone information? Should I assume it starts at 12:00am February 14, CST?

Posted on 2007-02-12 01:01:20


I'm also wondering if there are any rules we get to hear before it starts. It is an RPG compo again?

Or must we wait? :O

Posted on 2007-02-12 13:33:07


FRICKIN' AWESOME! Please, more information. =)

Posted on 2007-02-12 23:54:21


I hope I don't lose my job over doing this... but I'm sure they'll understand.

I'm assuming the compo STARTS when the RULES are set forth!
Oh yes, there SHALL be a compo!

Posted on 2007-02-13 22:11:11


Can I be a guest judge? My birthday is on March 4th, it must be destiny! :)

Posted on 2007-02-14 00:22:13


Can I start now?

Posted on 2007-02-14 09:52:25

Displaying 1-7 of 7 total.
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