OMG, teh contest!
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Sorry for the delay, folks. I forgot I wasn't in the time zone I used to be in.

Here's the rules:

  • The contest will be ending two hours later than previously announced (IE, it now ends 1:59 AM EST August 6 August 7).
  • The majority of the game needs to take place in one (1) town area, where a "town" is defined as a place with NPC entities, has domiciles and has player interaction of a non-combat nature.
  • If the gamemaker desires, there may be 1 (one) dungeon area, with the stipulation that the afforementioned "town" needs to be stuck in the middle of the dungeon, be it a cave, a tower, a maze, or whatnot.
  • The afforementioned optional dungeon is, well, optional. Having one or not will not affect grading.
  • Having a battle system or not will not effect grading.
  • Having original or ripped art will not effect grading.
  • Grading will be solely based upon how fun the interaction is with said town (sidequests, little garnishes like switches, levers, and whatnot that produce effect and bring the player into the game, and general humor/ambience/experience).

    Consider this the "make a fun demo" contest. Also, consider this a warmup for the next contest, which will be the "Sully is done, wheee!" commemorative contest... which will have very similar rules.

    Any questions can be directed to me (mcgrue) and I reserve the right to clarify and/or modify the rules up to the end of the contest.

    Goodspeed, soldiers of indeterminate spiritual and/or intellectual backgrounds!

    EDIT: The contest ends 1:59 EST on Monday, August 7. The dates got bumped two hours, but Grue mistakenly forgot to up the date. 11:59 PM on Sunday + 2 hours != 1:59 on Sunday. There, we've got clarification.

    -- Overkill

  • Posted on 2006-07-23 00:30:28 (last edited on 2006-07-23 00:31:40)


    OMG first!

    Posted on 2006-07-23 07:35:50


    Okay, so Jesse and I have been having some monumental problems with the SVN versions of v3. Rather than choosing between a version older than my grandfather and a version that DOESN'T LOAD MAPS, we hacked away at a slightly older version (revision 83, I believe) and got a windows compile.

    Since I don't want anyone else to spend 2 hours alternately laughing like lunatics and crying, I've put up the exe (with fmod.dll) right here: (459kb)

    Don't be alarmed about the tiny size of the executable. It's got a weird packer thing in it now that compresses it. It won't affect anything at runtime though.

    Anyway, this build has things like max(), min(), abs(), string +=, and so on. I don't have a decent list of exactly what changes there are, unfortunately. So yeah. Use at your own caution or whatever.

    Posted on 2006-07-23 14:35:40


    you should icq me 520608 and bring such things to my attention!! i dont check the boards :(

    Posted on 2006-07-23 17:05:45


    I noticed a problem or two compiling, but I've figured it was my fault and I'm giving it another shot. ...Heck, it probably is my fault.

    Kildorf: Do you mean there was something wrong with making the source, or something wrong with the prebuilt revision?

    Posted on 2006-07-23 17:11:10 (last edited on 2006-07-23 17:12:16)


    I fixed a bug in the map loading and built a new release EXE. give it a shot

    Posted on 2006-07-23 17:39:34


    Even though I'm not signed up, I think I'll give it a try. Considering the project I'm working on needs a small town with a deep forest around it. :)

    Using ripped graphics for now, and *might* have a battle system, if I can get my buddy's RPG book to use for stats. (trying to build a standard D20 system in a CRPG, fun eh?)

    Posted on 2006-07-23 19:46:23


    There's no "signup", btw. There's only submission before the deadline. You submit an entry, you become entered.

    Posted on 2006-07-23 23:30:19


    Whoa, no signup? What about needing a wacky name for your team?

    Posted on 2006-07-24 20:17:49


    That thread by basil's all just for team management, IF you wanted a team. You know, to sort of manage things as they go, give a general idea of who's entering if you wish it to really be known, and request team members and such.

    Posted on 2006-07-24 21:49:31


    Ahhh! It seems my attempt at humor is well-received!

    Posted on 2006-07-25 08:55:50


    So it's a contest where you win on the quality of banter?

    I shall crack open the Verge kit once more, methinks! Probably won't finish on time, but that's another story.

    And we can use ripped stuff? HEAVEN!

    Posted on 2006-07-26 06:07:36 (last edited on 2006-07-26 06:09:33)


    Woooo! Six hours, everyone! :D

    Posted on 2006-08-05 19:03:06


    Hrm. Somehow I had this figured for being a day longer.

    12:01 AM July 23 to 11:59 AM (meant to be PM?) August 6, but after the delayed start, 2 hours were added, which should mean that it ends at 1:59 AM on the 7th, not the AM of the 6th as listed?

    Someone with the authority should offer some clarity.

    Posted on 2006-08-05 19:28:45


    ... You have an exceedingly good point, ustor. I'm trying to track down Grue.

    Posted on 2006-08-05 19:58:44


    Thanks, Overkill.

    Just so it gets seen as a recent post on the boards as well: We have until tomorrow night, that is, about 27.5 hours from now. Not like 3 hours. (see edit to original post)

    If Grue comes back and is angry, this is the doing of myself and Overkill. But really, as ustor pointed out, it was obviously a mistake/typo-type thing.

    Posted on 2006-08-05 20:33:18





    Posted on 2006-08-05 22:37:01

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