Pharaoh, Let my website go!
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mcgrue: Saturday night I was running into php errors on something I was trying to install on the same server as The errors were obscure and nonsensical, so I figured it was time to try a php upgrade. A long story short: a dependency chain basically bit me in the ass, and our mysqld became... somehow uninstalled (why uninstalling Exim would do this, I don't know. Le sigh.)

By 8 AM sunday morning I'd reinstated a mysqld on vrpg's server, but it was now mysql 5 instead of mysql 4. There were some underlying sql syntax changes. And by this point I was exhausted and continued to be too tired to work on it after work.

So I brought in the canadian cavalry...

Overkill: When we updated to MySQL 5, vrpg's website codebase had lots of magical error messages involving operator precedences of joins vs comma operators. It, of course, had misleading error reports too, so then it lead me to think the error was happening in a completely different file than the boards index.

Moral of this story: copy-pasting your error reports is BAD! Everything should be normal again now though.

mcgrue: I think there are a few more morals than that here, but... yeah. Anyways: the site is back up!

Posted on 2008-03-13 15:08:15


Maybe I'm just not that important? Am I The bastard children of Rachel (Joseph, Benjamin), that Jacob never wanted to acknowledge?

Okay, that's cool and all too. All praise be to the mighty grue for giving me an svn and running all this stuff for such a long time. so stuff and stuff. I'm going to go now.

To all my friends who I haven't said hello to in something like 10 years

(yes, I am saying hello to you,
Rysen (#1)!
Turbotails/RageCage/Whateveryou go by now, man,

What's up, guys? =P (even any oldbies not on the list. I'm looking at you, shadow 64, tomt64, Khross, Vertigo, Hyptosis, idkidk it's all good :P)

Posted on 2008-03-14 03:29:35


Actually, I should mention a few things... If you press a certain key on the keyboard, you'll catch some special graphics effects, if you do it at just the right time. Sorry I'm being vague, but I'd like to be at least a *little* mysterious about this. It's a very short demo, but I want to be at least a little interesting :)

okay, okay. it's in the upper left corner.

(that is, in qwerty)

((how much easier do I have to make this? :())

Posted on 2008-03-14 04:12:52


Uh, okay. I was thinking the average person would be able to log in to my svn as anonymous / anonymous , but it doesn't look like that's working just yet. Maybe soon? Hmm.

Posted on 2008-03-16 05:12:57


swords! bro! What up mang!?

it's pretty amazing that you would post here at this time... because this is the first thread I've read in months... and I had no intention of reading anything beyond it =p so... it was amazing that you caught my attention =p

hit me up on aim "actionsketch" or facebook "Tristan Michael"... or if you have none of the above... well then shucks. =p

Posted on 2008-03-18 19:19:47

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.