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For the artistically disinclined out there, I've just made a zip of 18 different vsps I made in the past.

you can grab it [here]. Feel free to use the vsps inside with impunity. The maps are included as reference.

Note that some vsps have a few tiles which aren't mine. Most notable is which has FF5's gorgeous tree and some other interesting things. Locke might recognize this mapset. ;)

I'll give a more verbose explaination of each map and tileset later, for those who are interested.

The zip contains a bunch of quick-reference screenshots of what to expect from each tileset.

Posted on 2004-06-23 05:30:58 (last edited on 2004-06-23 05:33:49)


that kicks butt

Posted on 2004-06-23 13:46:14


The Blue House and Yellow Furniture terrify me to my very being, but everything else is peaches!

Posted on 2004-06-23 20:32:45


I was young and foolish!

Fenslyd town's exteriors and the All-Brass furniture of Allrusen were some... interesting learning points. It's obvious why they were ditched.

There were a few I was tempted to keep, but knew I could do better.

Posted on 2004-06-23 21:02:28


I like your Grue0020.vsp with its cool glowing-eyed skulls on spikes, and hypnotic lava.

You don't name a lot of your zones... You must be either heavily insane, or very good at remembering. :)

Posted on 2004-06-23 22:14:49


My SotS notebook is the rosetta stone for my maps.

Also, grue0020.vsp I was considering keeping. It was definitly on the wall between my early quality and current quality. However, that was a significant dungeon and I figured if anything deserved to be polished up, it did.

Also, the Mountain exteriors were way, way too FFMQ.

Posted on 2004-06-23 22:20:14 (last edited on 2004-06-24 00:15:23)


FFMQ is da bomb!!!1111

Posted on 2004-06-24 00:44:11


I'm really curious how your VSPs look now.

Posted on 2004-06-24 00:45:05


Alden Castle (This one is circa 1998 too. I made a lot of tiles and a lot of progress that year. I need to touch it up so the floor tiles aren't so... tiled.)
Aldencian town #1
Aldencian town #2

Posted on 2004-06-24 00:54:32


*humps grue's leg*

Posted on 2004-06-24 01:10:41


Oooooh! Masterful.


Posted on 2004-06-24 01:14:19


Hey! I recognize that!

You are making it hard to not have a PC... dagnabit.

Rumor has it my PC will be free from it's bondage in about a week and some change... then LOOK OUT! Games coming out of my arse!


Posted on 2004-06-24 03:43:14


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Alden Castle (This one is circa 1998 too. I made a lot of tiles and a lot of progress that year. I need to touch it up so the floor tiles aren't so... tiled.)
Aldencian town #1
Aldencian town #2

Hey! Those stuff aren't new :D I remember you posting it on the Verge boards before.. Hmm.. If the present SotS tiles are much better than the ones you put in the .zip, I'd be looking forward to playing SotS very much ^_^

Posted on 2004-06-24 04:57:55


They are new compared to the tiles I have given away for public use. ;)

Hurry up! There's a compo on! ;D

Posted on 2004-06-24 05:06:11

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