Rock on completely, with some brand new components.
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So, myself (vocals) and one ancient verger (w1cca, on drums) performed live for Child's Play last night at Umloud.

Donate to Child's Play to prove to the world that gamers are wonderful people who care about other people! Namely sick children!

More verge-centric news to come soon. Honest.

Posted on 2009-12-10 05:16:10 (last edited on 2009-12-10 14:43:18)


"The US Dept of Retrogaming, rocking out for sick kids. Yesterday."

The non-VERGE nature of this is forgiven, entirely

I donated to Desert Bus last year, I think - I guess it's a straight donation for me this year.

Posted on 2009-12-10 15:46:47


Have you got any videos or audio recordings? I want to hear your dulcet tones.

Posted on 2010-01-01 17:49:53

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.