Serinor Update
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By the way, Eldritch's [Epic of Serinor], one of the most promising V3 demos, has been updated. Only a couple locations have been added, but the system has been retooled a bit, many spells and features have been put in (even if you can't see them all), the interface is much tighter, Geleham has been totally redesigned so that it's really big and hard to navigate around, and the art has undergone a major overhaul. Enemy art still needs updating in various places, but tiles have been completely redone, with the general effect being that everything seems a lot bigger than it was before. There's some new music, and most importantly, all the chrs have been remade, by me. I am so awesome. You might be all 'hey Gayo, those chrs aren't that awesome' but I did like 40 of them so screw you!

Also there's a fishing game. PLAY THE FISHING GAME.

Posted on 2004-12-10 07:27:52 (last edited on 2004-12-10 07:28:19)


Maybe the people would be encouraged to play the fishing game if there was a sexy screenshot of it in the post! ;)

Posted on 2004-12-10 19:12:36


Yes. The Many demand pics.

Posted on 2004-12-11 03:41:51


Perhaps a side by side comparison of the old and new versions for those of us who have played neither?

Posted on 2004-12-11 06:55:53


Let the old be on the left, and the new, the right.

Gelaham Settlement:

Divine High Temple:

World Map:


Battle System:

And the fishing game:
Image Hosted by

Posted on 2004-12-11 07:21:52


how do I get a fishing reel? I can't seem to buy one anywhere

Posted on 2004-12-14 02:39:55


Quote:Originally posted by RageCage

how do I get a fishing reel? I can't seem to buy one anywhere

They're in the item shop in Erelikoth. The shop display scrolls.

Posted on 2004-12-14 05:18:45

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