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Delays, delays. Here's something interesting. Warning to quicktime haters: It's a zipped .mov.

Discuss, please!

Posted on 2005-06-24 08:25:39


Coolness. There *will* be a non-mac version of this, right?

Posted on 2005-06-24 09:35:25



Posted on 2005-06-24 09:36:32



Posted on 2005-06-24 13:08:28


That is beautiful.

Posted on 2005-06-24 13:57:40


what non-mac players except quick time plays .mov?

Posted on 2005-06-25 09:39:02


Quote:Originally posted by zaril

what non-mac players except quick time plays .mov?

Ace Media Player

I wonder how dynamic re-compilation will affect hooktimered events.

Posted on 2005-06-25 11:13:57


I think you still need to install Quicktime for Windows to use Quicktime in that player.

Posted on 2005-06-25 11:52:04


'Play all your local media types with a uniform interface'

yeah sounds like it. same with adobe premier pro, hmm, i just don't want quick time on my computer. it has caused trouble more than once before.

Posted on 2005-06-25 13:54:21


Quote:Originally posted by Falthorn

I wonder how dynamic re-compilation will affect hooktimered events.

Hooktimers are called by name when they're triggered, so it will work as you expect; ie. the latest version of the function will be run.

I'd be happy to field any other technical questions about this stuff.

For those who have objections to quicktime, here's the storyboard:

1) In sully starting island. Heading over and talking to Sancho. He says 'I'm a sad, sad octopus.'
2) Cut to sully source code, edit that text to say something depressing about runtime code compilation.
3) Cut to 'Edit Code' window, click a button to reload the current map vc. (We could also reload any other .vc file, or the whole map, or just type some code to execute.)
4) Finally, we talk to Sancho again, this time we get the new response. Hooray!

Posted on 2005-06-25 17:54:44


Quote:Originally posted by zaril

what non-mac players except quick time plays .mov?

Absolutely EVERYONE should install Media Player Classic. It's a non-Microsoft freeware player that plays a stupifying number of media formats.


Posted on 2005-06-25 18:02:47


Bah, get the klite codec pack with BSPlayer, it's SOUPER.

Posted on 2005-06-25 18:18:21


Mmm... Souper.

Posted on 2005-06-25 19:11:11


Wow, that would be a really useful for debugging.

Posted on 2005-06-27 01:21:22


Um, yeah. We Win users do get one of those, right?

Posted on 2005-06-27 11:47:45


NO! Never will there be a Windows version! Convert now, heathens, or forever be without runtime holiness!


Yes, there is supposed to be a Win version. Someone just needs to write a GUI for it. All the 'real work' is platform neutral.

Posted on 2005-06-27 12:07:37


Alright. Whoa. Hold up now. Mac? I can do Verge on my MAC? How? How you do this???

Posted on 2005-06-27 15:54:21


Uh. Good question. You should be able to do it soon. Hopefully. <_<

Posted on 2005-06-27 16:50:45


Oh, and I recommend for playing the .mov for those of you without quicktime.

Posted on 2005-06-27 17:12:58


Quote:Originally posted by Jesse

Oh, and I recommend for playing the .mov for those of you without quicktime.

I second that

Posted on 2005-06-28 00:57:59

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