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Something look a little different to you? Yep, that's right, we finally put the new site up. It's still somewhat in beta test mode, so if you find any bugs, errors, or problems, please e-mail them to me! In return, for each bug e-mailed to me, I'll send some e-love! Also, we are still in the process of entering all files, docs, tutorials, articles, etc into the database. Don't be surprised if you look for something and it's not there. The site will continue to be updated over the next few days so keep checking back.

Before we get on with things, I'd like to thank several people, without whom this new website would never have happened. First and foremost, major thanks to evilbob. His awesome design and continual effort to update and improve is one of momentus claim, defying those who said it would never happen. He rocks! Secondly, SoulBain also deserves much gratitude. Were it not for his taking the initiative and actually coding much of the website, the site would probably have never been finished. He deserves my undieing gratitude and yours (unless of course you like the old site a lot more). McGrue has done major work as well, filling the site with content and sarcastic FAQ questions. ;) Seriously though, McGrue is the html man and document god! Finally, we should probably all thank vecna for doing his part for the community too (I mean besides making verge). He too helped content stuff the site. Oh, and you can also thank me for cordinating the effort! Buy me a pizza if you run into me! :D

To take advantage of our many new features, the first thing you'll want to do is create an account on the system. Once you've logged in you can use features such as the message board and file submission page. Right now, there is no limit on the number of messages that can be posted per user on the message boards per day. Now, it's been a long time since we've actually have message boards on and you old-timers probably remember what they were like. Lets keep the bad juju to a minimum and the good groove...well, good groove is good. Ya dig?

Along with the new, I've setup the verge mailing list again. Right now there is only one, but depending on how busy it gets, I may break it into two or three. To subscribe, e-mail with the body of the message simply saying "subscribe". To post to the list, send e-mails to

Have you heard of CHASMS? Want to know what vecna's been up to? Think Clinton is the only guy who's indecent? Check out this site.

Also worth noting is the upcoming Verge Expo, which will be taking place in late November / early December. I'm not sure how much of it's supposed to be secret, but let's just say arias has a lot of cool, exclusive things planned. If you'd like to get your verge product or game included in the expo, e-mail so he can get screenshots, artwork, music and other stuff to show off for your game. It's like advertising for your game. For free!

So, that's it. Hope it was worth the wait. We were only a year or so late. Remember, e-mail me with any bugs, problems, comments, or complaints you may have or find! Be cool, stay in school, or dropout.

Posted on 2000-11-08 20:00:00

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.