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I figured the sprites would cease rolling in as soon as the HoV was on. But the HoV is off now, and if ya'll want, there's still need for more sprites!

Here's the submitted amalgam so far:



Gayo (poltergeist 2x zoom):


Zeromus (4x scale):

Creft (all 2x scale):



(A lizard ogre. not on the list, but impressive nonetheless!):


So far, 21 completed and half-finished items. I believe Zara did some more of the machines as well, but I don't have them anywhere I can find them.

For the revised list of what we're looking for, view the comments. I'll be keeping an updated list there at the top :)

For those of you that missed it the first time:
The thread
A silly frames tutorial

This all rocks! Keep it up! :D

Posted on 2004-04-25 21:22:20 (last edited on 2004-04-25 21:28:49)


The list:

  • Humanoids: Human, Android, Kobold, Goblin, Orc, Ogre, Troll, Cyclops, Dryad, Harpy, Succubus
  • Beasts: Jackal, Snowwolf, Hellhound
  • Winged Beasts: Gryphon, Manticore, Chimera
  • Birds: Vulture, Cockatrice, Phoenix
  • Insects: Wasp, Hornet, Dragonfly
  • Slimey things: Slime, Amoeba, Jelly
  • Snakey things: Viper, Python, Cobra
  • Wormy things: Leech, Sandworm, Lamprey
  • Lizardy things: Salamander, Basilisk, Naga,Wyrm,Wyvern,Leviathan
  • Spidery things: Blackwidow, Tarantula, Antlion
  • Plants: Snapdragon, Flytrap, Lotus, Treant, Myconid, Cactus
  • Seafood: Octopod, Squid, Kraken
  • Animate Objects: Golem, Armor, Crystal
  • Evil/undead: Zombie, Skeleton, Mummy, Revenant, Vampire, Lich, Poltergeist, Specter, Wraith, Imp, Gargoyle, Belial, Djinni, Efreet, Shade,
  • Robots/Machines: SentryBot, SWATBot, WarBot, RadarWing, RepairWing, LaserWing, WelderPod, VulcanPod, MissilePod

Posted on 2004-04-25 21:22:59 (last edited on 2004-04-25 21:25:25)


The second animation by Gayo looks like a dancing penis, with a sickly deep red head.

Posted on 2004-05-07 02:33:56


Yes. Yes it does.

It's the most phallic mushroom ever.

Posted on 2004-05-07 02:48:50


... Looks like angelfire caught on. ;P

My images now say "Hosted by angelfire" :P

You might want to host them on the verge-rpg's server until I decide to get paid hosting.

- Creft

Posted on 2004-05-07 06:32:38


Will do.


Also, you have two weeks to complete a demo and upload it for this service. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


Posted on 2004-05-07 06:45:35


You have 4 more days, Creft. Chop chop! ;D

And you never sent me the images :(

Posted on 2004-05-17 15:48:15

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