Summer of VERGE continues: 408 HoV RPG Compo starts!
Displaying 21-39 of 39 total.
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Shit, I think they've stopped Troupe's prescription! Everybody hide!
Troupe, your stance and determination to write unique tunes for everyone in the entire world does you great credit indeed.
Posted on 2004-06-19 18:48:04
Aha, but can you do several songs in 30 hours *consistently*?
Posted on 2004-06-19 22:51:15
You go girl!
Posted on 2004-06-20 00:52:19
Who cares? Let it go. Maybe 4 projects is too many, maybe troupe is a machine and can do it with ease. At the end of the day, will heated argument over it accomplish anything?
Posted on 2004-06-20 00:54:21
Quote:Originally posted by basil
At the end of the day, will heated argument over it accomplish anything?
Of course it will... it will accomplish a heated argument, and heated arguments are entertaining. Vive la heated arguments!
Posted on 2004-06-20 01:17:53
Oooh, Basil and Thrasher come out of the woodwork.
Are you cats entering the contest?
Posted on 2004-06-20 01:22:39
Quote:Originally posted by Gayo
Aha, but can you do several songs in 30 hours *consistently*?
I didn't burn out for the last contest. Who knows, maybe I will this time. But then, music isn't being graded on originality, so I can pull out the old tunes if I can't make new ones =D I doubt that will happen though.
Grue, you see what these heated arguments do? They bring old members back. The heat from these arguments gives life to dead.
Posted on 2004-06-20 01:29:32
They might just be back to laugh.
Posted on 2004-06-20 02:12:35
Quote:Originally posted by basil
Who cares? Let it go. Maybe 4 projects is too many, maybe troupe is a machine and can do it with ease. At the end of the day, will heated argument over it accomplish anything?
Posted on 2004-06-20 03:09:57
Hehe. I've been sifting around the whole time, just not up to much. I'm madly keen to enter the contest, but exams are on so all I feel like doing right now is dying.
I originally planned the last tactics demo to be an entry to the comp at the time, and while I eventually decided it wasn't appropriate as an entry, it was still incredibly fun working under time pressure.
I have some ideas up my sleeve, so I'll see what I can come up with after exams. Watch this space.
Posted on 2004-06-20 14:09:12
Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue
Oooh, Basil and Thrasher come out of the woodwork.
Are you cats entering the contest?
You know... I hadn't considered it. But, uh... I'm incredibly bored, a giant loser, and have a nice backstory involving VERGE that, if my life were an RPG, would have to be brought up again at some point.
Now can I get used to the horrible, horrible crippleness that is VC?
Oh, that wasn't nice. What I politely meant to say was, VC sucks. But we'll see.
Posted on 2004-06-20 20:43:16
Actually, in the interest of not producing a Balls of Steel-esque entry, I think I'll pass for now. However, my time in these communities is far from over, and I'm sure I'll revisit VERGE at some point. We'll see how VC is improved, if it is.
This would take too much commitment from someone who can't draw to save his life and would have to get reacquainted with the antiquity -- er, uniquity of VC.
Besides, I'm working on some ika stuff, and it's filling my time well enough. But you don't care about that.
Posted on 2004-06-20 20:46:19
uh... see two up?
(sorry, I think I went back in my history to this page.)
Posted on 2004-06-20 23:42:24 (last edited on 2004-06-21 18:01:03)
VC still sucks. However, it sucks less! ...uhm.
Posted on 2004-06-21 03:13:45
bah, you just spoiled... back in MY day we didnt even have return statements!
Posted on 2004-06-21 17:35:23
That's like a tribal indian saying an American is spoiled because he wants electricity and running water.
Now place that in a valid context that is not anachronistic, and you'll know what I mean.
Posted on 2004-06-21 18:00:11
You Americans are spoiled. Us tribal indians know electricity and running water are luxuries, not rights.
Sorry, just been camping. Feeling all 'back to nature'. Another week of being cold and wet would probably knock that out of me...
Posted on 2004-06-21 19:19:18
1)Story linked at for redundancy purposes (and to make me feel like not such a looser of a iron fisted ruler of the news)
2)Is anyone interested in a map-maker, designer, writer, code monkey/lackey/whatever, or something of that sort? I can do basically everything except draw and track.
Posted on 2004-06-21 22:33:24
The above (v-net post if this comment is directly below it) was posted by me. The Developer I had forgotten that I hadn't logged in yet.
Posted on 2004-06-21 22:36:51