Surprise! It's winverge2!
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Welcome to the special Chrismas Update of! In compliance with standard Christmas traditions, we have some stocking stuffer for you: the_Speed_Bump has released his first version of winverge2!!! Head over to the verge2 engine files download area to check it out! Also, in keeping with the Christmas spirit of giving, he has released the source code.

Anyway, try it out! According to the author, bugs are being actively sought and squashed "with a hammer." Send your bugs to the_Speed_Bump for immediate extermination.

Also, many thanks to evilbob for the christmas motif radness (note from bob: you may have to refresh or clear your cache to see everything correctly), and loretian for causing it to actually show up. Enjoy.

(imagine our surprise when we received this in an anonymous email from Microsoft r&d. maybe this is why Windows is so slow.)

Posted on 2000-12-09 02:15:50


DUDE winverge 2!! awsoem!!11

I cant wait till v3 comes out! that's gonna be da shiznik fo sho!!!!

Posted on 2004-06-10 02:30:53


Bah, v3 will never come out. It's an april fools joke!

Posted on 2004-08-06 18:36:42

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