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...but the cleanup has just started. Viva la... something.

It may take a day or two for the DNS to sort itself out.

I'd like to know if people are still having trouble logging in now. The various link errors and such (ie, when someone clicks on a next/previous type link and gets booted to the main page) will be solved as soon as I wake up.

Posted on 2006-03-22 13:12:35 (last edited on 2006-03-22 13:19:57)


no more glorious fuitadnet then, I assume?

Posted on 2006-03-22 23:00:18


No, we're now running off of a virtual machine I'm renting from Zeromus off of his massive, beastly, sexy colocated box.

Four cores, baby. Awww yeah.

Posted on 2006-03-22 23:23:09


Hawt, now I can feel that much closer to the verge household.

Posted on 2006-04-03 16:00:46


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

The various link errors and such (ie, when someone clicks on a next/previous type link and gets booted to the main page) will be solved as soon as I wake up.

...yey! just hope you woke up already ^^

Posted on 2006-04-04 02:03:59


If you get those errors anymore, it will be the work of SATAN!

Not me.

Posted on 2006-04-04 02:21:15


nah, im not having those errors anymore (as i write this post, that is).
good to see that development/improvement of this site is moving... nice to see changes around here ^^

Posted on 2006-04-05 01:38:40

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