Boy, it's been slow! There hasn't been anything worth mentioning in a month.
Just kidding! Actually a few things have happened but I'm way behind in newsposts. Most noteworthy of the recent releases is TomT64's V1/V2/V3 chr editor, [VOpenCHR], which for some reason isn't uploaded to this site. This is a very tidy chr editor to answer the prayers of those tired of screwing with chrmak for V3. My lateness in reporting this should not be construed as a lack of support, because this thing is great. I'm actually kind of attached to making chrs via the two-step chrmak process, but even then, there are some things that it's really nice to have a chr editor for. especially one that doesn't carry a risk of catastrophic irreversible disaster if you push the wrong button. And as an added bonus, it's open source under the GPL, so using it pisses vecna off! You really can't lose.
These are my default windows colours. They are much cooler than yours.