Tom's CHR Thing
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Boy, it's been slow! There hasn't been anything worth mentioning in a month.

Just kidding! Actually a few things have happened but I'm way behind in newsposts. Most noteworthy of the recent releases is TomT64's V1/V2/V3 chr editor, [VOpenCHR], which for some reason isn't uploaded to this site. This is a very tidy chr editor to answer the prayers of those tired of screwing with chrmak for V3. My lateness in reporting this should not be construed as a lack of support, because this thing is great. I'm actually kind of attached to making chrs via the two-step chrmak process, but even then, there are some things that it's really nice to have a chr editor for. especially one that doesn't carry a risk of catastrophic irreversible disaster if you push the wrong button. And as an added bonus, it's open source under the GPL, so using it pisses vecna off! You really can't lose.

These are my default windows colours. They are much cooler than yours.

Posted on 2005-01-12 20:25:55


If the death magenta police ever find you you are dead meat. Glad to see a news post though (finally).

Posted on 2005-01-12 20:56:30


You forgot to mention something: Phobos Project! Someone should really make an update about this demo... Really! It deserve some publicity.

I know most people are busy doing something else but if we don't properly make publicity for games, verge 3 will go nowhere. So please, someone make an update about Phobos.


Posted on 2005-01-12 21:27:41 (last edited on 2005-01-12 21:27:42)


Yeah, that's coming next.

Posted on 2005-01-13 10:17:57


I'm not sure whether or not that photo is going to help people want the darn thing Gayo! On the one hand there's the config options (which are darn cool and were added in 0.5 just recently; the best way to streamline your CHR making) and on the other hand is all that DEATH MAGENTA. It looks so much cooler on my blue backgrounded windows.... Also I didn't upload it here because sourceforge counts downloads and because if V-RPG goes down the downloads are still up, not to mention multiple versions and testing. Love your vecna comment.

Anyway, didn't OTHER people nag you about making news posts too? 8>)

Posted on 2005-01-18 14:27:52


Wow! that v2(4).chr is one of mine!!! I completely forgot about those. nostalgia....

-!?$?!- Rpg

Posted on 2005-01-21 11:55:01


haha =] cool editor. I'm trying to find in the docs if there is a way to see an animated version of the sprite while working. I think I'm fucking blind sometimes.

Posted on 2005-02-04 17:24:19


I think I found it, it was jsut.. different than I expected =D If I get a chance I'll do some sprites and upload ot the server for open use since this is such a cool tool.

Posted on 2005-02-04 17:31:21


well... I worked all day on a female sprite.. possibly the best I've ever made... 68 frames... the accidently saved over it with a blank file..... I meant to open a new file, I don't fucking know how it happened. Damn.. I was so excited about uplaoding this new file.

Posted on 2005-02-05 13:46:17 (last edited on 2005-02-05 13:53:35)


alright, had a few days to vent.. now I'm going to do it again, this one will get uploaded, I promise. =D

Posted on 2005-02-07 12:23:46


Redid them, not as good as I think the first set was though.

Was going for a chrono trigger look obviously, but god damn, those guys were masters. In any event I said I'd make some stuff for the pulbic, here is something. For some reason I can't upload to the server anymore, nor update the old sprite files I uploaded. Anyway, they are original and easily modified to look like any character you want.

Regardless I could tell there was huge interest in what i was offering. =]

Posted on 2005-02-10 21:52:13 (last edited on 2005-02-10 21:54:16)


I knew I didn't accidently save over my .chr's like a dumbass. I don't know if this is just my version but if you open a .chr, then resave it as another name, then work on it, and hit save again, it doesn't save over the new name, it saves ofver the old one, and doesn't even ask.
Luckily I've been making a backup of the .chr's every fives minutes.
However, if you close the VOpenCHR, then reopen the .chr, it works fine and saves like it is supposed to.

Posted on 2005-02-13 12:03:20

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