Trimod Awesomeness!
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The time has come! Some have told me they've been expecting it so that they could toy around with it, few but atleast some feel like it could be put to use, it doesn't really matter, it's here! The Trimod Editor in all its Beta Glory!

Right now there's documentation written down, but grue has yet to appear in order to switch it to public. Meanwhile (screen fades out, in comes Lee Chuck-- ahem), I have included documentation.html in the pack for those who want to read.

Since it's in its Beta, I'm quite sure some bugs and what not will pop up, but report them to me and hopefully it will all be fine in the end. I know the documentation sucks, but I stressed it.

so awesome, you can almost touch it

Get it here!

Posted on 2004-11-01 23:15:52 (last edited on 2004-11-01 23:18:14)


Pretty cool

Posted on 2004-11-02 18:22:42 (last edited on 2004-11-02 18:24:45)


thanks, and i'll take everyone's silence as a sign of it working flawlessly.

Posted on 2004-11-03 21:17:28 (last edited on 2004-11-03 21:17:46)


...hmmm... maybe you'd get a few more comments if you added an integrated columns game... >_> .. and then no one would get anything done, but you'd be popular, right? ;-)

Posted on 2004-11-04 05:25:26


athocreft: Hey... That's how I did my V3 Console...

zaril: It's interesting, although I have yet to put the effort into creating a new trimod series for every stat, and then for every character... It seems a bit time consuming.

Do you happen to have a few templates other than sinewave.trm and the curve that is initially loaded? That would be handy.

Posted on 2004-11-04 13:07:10


Trimod Editor - Curvepack

I'll get my arse to make a tutorial with images in the near future making it easier to create what you need. Right now, I've been home and ill for 4-5 days and I'm really not all that tempted to write a tutorial.

I haven't tested these curves, if you want, just create a loop to log it like:

void LogSerie(int max_x, string seriename)
int value, x;
int serie = TrimodFunction__GetByName(seriename);

log(' -- Logging : ''+seriename+'' -- ');

for(x=0; x<max_x+1; x++)
value = TrimodFunction__GetValue(serie, x);
log(str(x)+': Y = '+str(value));

Remember to load your .trm file first with TrimodFunction__LoadFile('blah.trm');

Sinewave has a max of 360, so be careful about max x. anyway gotta run!

Posted on 2004-11-04 13:56:10


Can it interpolate?

Posted on 2004-11-25 09:48:52


Sorry for the delayed answer, I've been in the midst of partying and hangovers.

I haven't figured out what Interpolate is in Swedish Mathematical terms. However I can probably answer anyway. The only thing the trimod tools do is taking the values out of the graphs at a given X value. The rest of the math is up to you and what you'd like to do with the values.

So there most probably is no Interpolate function. However educate me a little in what you mean and if it's cool enough I might implement it if useful enough.

Posted on 2004-11-28 17:17:31

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