Tutorial: distribute your demo.
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Okay, while not the zip-bang thingy that we were hoping to have for you a few days (weeks) back, here's a little tidbit to tide y'all over: Kildorf has prepared a real simple-like tutorial explaining how to best distribute your demos to users.

As an aside, there've been quite a few site upgrades going on lately. You may experience some site malfunctioning, followed by extended periods of things getting fixed. Many props, both sane and mad, go out to Overkill, who has been dishing out bite-sized nuggests of awesome for me to put in, like the pre-tag expand code, a link parser, and a posting history view.

There shall be much more awesome coming. Are y'all ready to make some demos?

Posted on 2005-05-28 08:04:23


snap dawg!

Posted on 2005-05-28 22:33:00


Quote:Originally posted by ThinIce

snap dawg!
... Is that good or bad? o_O

Posted on 2005-05-28 23:50:34


It's ALL good.

Posted on 2005-05-29 01:39:03


days...weeks...years.. its all the same.

Ah well, I can't complain. I'm just excited to see that unlike almost everything else from that era, Verge hasn't died. Kudos :)

Posted on 2005-06-02 10:56:59


Quote:Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)

days...weeks...years.. its all the same.

Ah well, I can't complain. I'm just excited to see that unlike almost everything else from that era, Verge hasn't died. Kudos :)

Tenacity or stupidity: you be the judge.

Posted on 2005-06-02 11:21:57


VERGE has artificially extended its life through strategic periods of suspended animation.

Posted on 2005-06-02 14:27:48

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