Valentine's day compo?
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Okay, guys!

I want a show of hands as to how many are interested in a 2-week compo starting on valentine's day.

Respond in the comments, the compo will be announced on sunday if there enough people.

Posted on 2007-02-06 21:01:58


I need compo lovin'~~

Posted on 2007-02-07 02:22:28


I am most definitely interested in such a compo...I like how it would be 14 days starting February 14th also... =)

Posted on 2007-02-07 15:30:15


Hey. I really really want to be in this compo, but I'm going to have to be a "maybe" for now. It'll depend on who I can rustle up for a team and how much time I'm going to have.

Sorry to be wishy-washy, but I wanted to put that out there just in case there's anyone thinking, "Well, maybe if there were more people."

Posted on 2007-02-07 16:31:35


I'd <333love<333 too.... ^_^ (twink* twink*)

Posted on 2007-02-07 20:31:30


It sounds very interesting, and if it weren't for the limited time schedule that my current game project is taking on, I would be up for it. The problem is that there is a definite limit on the number of days I have left in Japan, and if I leave before taking all the pictures I need to take, the whole thing will fall through.

Posted on 2007-02-08 21:28:28


I'd be tempted

Posted on 2007-02-09 23:19:01


What would it be about. I don't even know what a 'compo' is? What does it involve?

Posted on 2007-02-10 23:06:20


Compo is another way of saying "competition". Competitions involve competitive activity, namely making games within time constraints, and comparing the resultant production value between entrants through intervention of a judge.

Posted on 2007-02-11 04:11:04

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