VERGE 3...-D?
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A few days ago, Torin released Castle Heck which is a raycasting 3d demo in v3.

This is nuts. Completly nuts. A little dark, but that's a Castle Wolfenstein clone. Like the original, not the more recent one for you young'uns out there.

Check it out if you haven't already.

The discussion thread about this is here.

Good work, Torin. It's rocktastic.

Posted on 2004-03-13 17:24:19


This isn't a reply at all. I just didn't know how to post a new message. I have a game I built in the verge 1 engine and I really want to play it, but cannot. Why doesn't the V1 engine work in windows millenium.. is there a way to fix it? a file or two to add... I have no clue.

By the way, watup to all those who actually remember me

Posted on 2004-04-20 08:01:08


You can post a new message by going to the appropriate forum, and clicking on the 'create a new discussion?' link.

What you want to do is get winverge, and drop the executable into your directory. Recompiling the vc may be needed, so make sure to put winverge's vcc.exe in the directory and then run a:

vcc all

in that directory.

Hope this helps.

Posted on 2004-04-20 11:09:46


LOL! That screenie looks way more like 'the one us goung'uns play' than the original!

i'm assuming that you havent actualy played the original castle wolfenstein. It was a game for commodore 64 (and i believe atari too) written by (i assume) the founder of id software and distributed by muse. You escape from... well, castle wolfenstein. It was not 3D in any way, shape or form - it was viewed from above, but the actual player and enemy apeared side on.

Heres the timeline:
* Castle wolfenstein (the original) - mid to late 80's
* Beyond castle wolfenstein - mid to late 80's
* Wolfenstein 3D (aka: WOLF3D)- i think 1992
* Spear Of Destiny (based on the WOLF3D engine) - also 1992
* Return To Castle Wolfenstein - 2002? 2003?

btw - im 14 and i play all forms of wolfenstein except the new one. Im guessing ur not much older than me if u thought that was the original.

WOLF3D (and to a lesser extent SOD) RULE!!! nothing can beat the 'original'!

Posted on 2004-04-27 00:26:35


He obviously meant Wolf3d :P

Posted on 2004-04-27 01:09:31



Also, uh... while I knew about Commander Keen and Duke Nuke'm both being 2d shooters from respectable later-to-be-3d devhouses, I was not aware that there were earlier Wolfensteins.

And coming off of a fresh google, are you sure about that info? Id games wasn't around until the 90's.

Posted on 2004-04-27 01:13:10 (last edited on 2004-04-27 01:17:40)


I was about to describe what the original Wolfenstein was, but it turns out I was wrong! Apparently it was a game that was circa 1983 and was the predecessor of Wolf3d, but was not made by the same guys.

Info and download! From home of the Underdogs.

Posted on 2004-04-27 02:25:27


Compilax again... Thats right - the original wasnt made by ID. I'm not sure but maybe the guy that made the original founded ID. Sorry i didnt notice how rude i sounded when i wrote that first one.

Posted on 2004-06-09 10:27:36


Originally posted by Unimportant NPC (Anonymous)

LOL! That screenie looks way more like 'the one us goung'uns play' than the original!

i'm assuming that you havent actualy played the original castle wolfenstein. It was a game for commodore 64 (and i believe atari too) written by (i assume) the founder of id software and distributed by muse. You escape from... well, castle wolfenstein. It was not 3D in any way, shape or form - it was viewed from above, but the actual player and enemy apeared side on.

Heres the timeline:
* Castle wolfenstein (the original) - mid to late 80's
* Beyond castle wolfenstein - mid to late 80's
* Wolfenstein 3D (aka: WOLF3D)- i think 1992
* Spear Of Destiny (based on the WOLF3D engine) - also 1992
* Return To Castle Wolfenstein - 2002? 2003?

btw - im 14 and i play all forms of wolfenstein except the new one. Im guessing ur not much older than me if u thought that was the original.

WOLF3D (and to a lesser extent SOD) RULE!!! nothing can beat the 'original'!

Posted on 2005-08-17 04:19:53


Is there a reason this post was anonymously quoted a year after it was made?

Posted on 2005-08-17 11:42:18

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