verge 3. Yeah.
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Okay. Lots of silence on this front, yeah? Yeah. Well, here's the skivvy, yo.

There's presently a working version of the tech demo made with a discontinued version of the v3-c# dev tree. The good news is there's a buttload of the game done (supplied by yours truly and Hahn, with mad props to Falthorn in the sprite dept.). The bad news is that we're all waiting for more engine development.

Right now we're missing all the various zone-activations (and there's going to be more options than just the old 'adjacent-or-onEnter' features, god willing...), and proper entity support. It's kinda like working with old v1 at about the 3rd from last release (but with sooo much more power), which is kinda nostalgic, but kinda annoying.

With any hope, we'll have gifts for all the faithful, and documentation/tutorials to bring new blood and hope to these here parts (and with them, 20x as many new lamers ;) but there's nothing I, or anyone else on the dev team, would be proud to release.

Here's to hoping Zeromus gets some of the happy code-juice flowing again soon! :D

And to tease you all...

Posted on 2002-09-28 19:18:33

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