VERGE is proof that there is a vecna, and he loves you (New Engine Release)
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Last night, vecna the ever-giving gifted the world with [a new build of VERGE 3].

In addition to several [bugfixes], V3 now has:

Custom Color Filters

(Paradise Isle through Rose-Colored Glasses)

...and much more importantly...

(What, not impressed? It's pulling the text from [here]...)

That's right, VERGE now has network capabilities. Here is [VergeChat], a VERY simple chat server app and client app demonstrating how to use the netcode. Use this as a little tinkering-guide in the meantime. Remember, you need to have two or more people to enjoy the wonders of most of the netcode.

Vecna will be accepting feedback on net stuffs for the next few days and he will probably release a followup build in about a week with some tweaks and additions. Then his next priority for the following major build will be adding floats.

In addition to all these wonders, Tatsumi has released a new build of Maped 3 (which is included in the engine zip). The changelog is [here] and I'm sure he'd appreciate feedback as well.

Also, Zip and the gang have been hauling arse on the packin. Sully is now complete up through Dread Castle Heck... so we're Real Real Real Close Now.

Posted on 2004-09-28 13:08:30 (last edited on 2004-09-28 17:33:39)


Okay - much spiffiness. I've got to admit to being more impressed with the new maped stuff rather than the net stuff though. Not that the net stuff is bad or anything, it's just that I suck and can't figure out what eartly use it might be. I'm sure there'll be dozens of demos along soon enough to show me how to do it, though.

Posted on 2004-09-28 13:48:01


The easiest netfunctions to use are

string GetUrlText(string url)
int GetUrlImage(string url)

When doing GetUrlText, it's smart to use newlines as your data delimiter, and to make your first token something unique so you can check against it for verification purposes, lest you get a 404 page or an error message.

GetUrlImage returns an image handle. I would imagine it retorns 0 if it failed (have not tested it yet).

There will be a very simple premade library in the Sully Zip to run conversations from web-based scripts, like so: [clicky].

Also, yes, the revisions to maped are probably the most useful part of this release. Everything else is just whizbang neat. ;)

Posted on 2004-09-28 14:08:23 (last edited on 2004-09-28 14:09:04)


I now have a sudden urge to stream the in game music of the internet...


Posted on 2004-09-28 14:25:31


Now, with this netcode, does it just use standard TCP Sockets, and if so, how does the data get sent? If a server I write in C++ could get this data, then my dreams of a MORPG Verge game may come true!

Posted on 2004-09-28 16:13:42 (last edited on 2004-09-28 16:14:37)


NO MMORPGs. You will fail and there will be much sadness.

Posted on 2004-09-28 16:28:06


The lack of the first M means only Multiplayer Online RPG, meaning that as long as I support two people, I'm golden =P

Posted on 2004-09-28 16:50:54


MORPGs should be very possible. MMORPGs would be insane to attempt...

Anyways, I love the custom color filters, and Maped3's new features. :)

Posted on 2004-09-28 18:18:45 (last edited on 2004-09-28 18:35:48)


Quote:Originally posted by rpgking

MORPGs should be very possible. MMORPGs would be insane to attempt...

Anyways, I love the custom color filters, and Maped3's new features. :)

Since when are VERGErs known for sanity. The foundation of our community was built around a talking clam.

Posted on 2004-09-28 22:05:57



This post is stupid.

Posted on 2004-09-29 02:56:50 (last edited on 2004-09-29 07:15:28)


I would utter the words Verge Online... but... oh wait, oops.

Posted on 2004-09-30 04:19:20


Unless vec has any objectionss, I can release the base server code for VO, in case anyone wants to finish it and write a V3 client. It should compile on any fairly modern unix system.

Posted on 2004-09-30 04:22:27


It wouldn't really work with V3 anyway.

Posted on 2004-09-30 13:10:00


Typical! Today happens to be the day I lend my USB memory stick to someone to copy their research too and I can only access the internet at Uni. Hench, I cannot join you in this celebration of coolness until Monday at the earliest. CURSES!

Posted on 2004-10-01 09:32:56



Props to Vecna. This makes me want to program a creepy-cool experimental single-player online game that changes as time passes and everything goes great until someone hacks the site it's connecting to and uses it to format their computer or unleash a robot army or such.

Bah. I think I'll make it anyway.

Posted on 2004-10-01 19:39:53


I have a terrible urge to write an HTML parser and client using the netcode, and then make an in-game web browser. >_> Quick, someone else make it first so I don't spend my non-copious free time making it possible to search Google while I play the sidescroller I'm starting work on!

Only the specter of the reams and reams of badly formed HTML I'd have to deal with is keeping me from starting work right now. *snicker* ...well, that, and Verge's lack of regular expressions. Hmmm...

Eh, apparently V3's netcode doesn't allow you to specify which port to connect to, and it probably doesn't use vanilla TCP connections for sending/receiving strings. I can't decide whether I want to ask for the support I'd need to write an HTTP client, or whether V3 is better off without the extra complications.

Posted on 2004-10-02 15:38:56 (last edited on 2004-10-02 16:01:52)


Ok, finally the new build is MINE! Yay! Now off to have some FUN!

Posted on 2004-10-06 09:31:08


My suggestions (please pass to vecna, since you asked):

-Make the Map() function not exit the control loop that called it when it is finished
-Make the Map() function not change the music volume (and possibly other volumes) to maximum

I say these things to help improve Sully. Currently the Music Volume code requires that in each map the music volume be reset and this should be unnecessary. Also unnecessary is when you change maps to exit the function that called Map(), because standard behavior of compilers is to not do this, so it is a handicap for those who wish to move beyond verge coding someday to other languages. And I say all this with all due respect, honestly.

Posted on 2004-10-08 02:51:20


I'm not on the dev team, so take my words with a grain of salt, but I really don't see the Map() exit thing being changed. The reason is that when you change the map, you have to unload the symbols (functions, global vars, etc...though I think map VC doesn't allow globals) defined in that map so they don't conflict with the symbols defined in the new map. Having two functions with the same name in different maps would screw you wouldn't be able to switch between those maps without a conflict.

And that's the reason that the Map() call stops execution of the previous context once it loads the new map. The call stack is emptied because the old functions are no longer in memory. Plus you open up the possibility for funky errors...if you keep going after a map transition then you might end up trying to access entities, tiles or whatever that are no longer loaded. Or worse, trying to access stuff that used to be there, but is now different stuff under the same name.

Anyway, the only way that would be fixed (in my estimation) is if the engine architecture is changed to disallow maps from defining functions with the same name (either by giving each map its own namespace or just flat-out disallowing identical names, both of which would be a pain in the neck for the dev team and the users), load every map at startup, and keep it in memory until shutdown. Which is not a good idea, no matter what Grue says about RAM being meant to be used ;P

The music thing would be nice, though. And if my understanding of the engine is sorely lacking, I'd greatly appreciate some enlightenment from a friendly dev.

Posted on 2004-10-09 07:44:16 (last edited on 2004-10-09 07:50:20)


I would agree that that would be a very bad way to use RAM. Especially since elaborate maps can get quite memory-thirsty RAM-wise in the singular, let alone in packs.

Posted on 2004-10-09 08:02:58

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