The topic of old V1 games came up recently on the boards, and curious, I took a peek at vrpg's current crop of available files and found it woefully empty. There are dozens of files waiting to be approved on the vrpg submission list, many thanks to theGerf, but unfortunately, these are all remotely linked. We cannot host remotely linked files on vrpg!
Proper protocol is to log anonymously onto and upload it there, however, that log-in is apparently inactive, so...don't. In any event, vrpg isn't intended to be a file-dump; that's what
TVS is for, so if you're new, head over
there and get your fix.
I went ahead and uploaded the final version of
Revelation to vrpg and
TVS. Some of the contents of the zip date back to '98. Yikes.
Moment of Zen: A shot of Revelation the Animated Series. (No Joke!)