Website fixed, new engine imminent.
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Just a note to those of you who like notes: I've hand merged the database so the "missing month" is no longer so missing. This makes me completely pathetic the best amatuer website admin ever.

Also of some interest is that we're discussing a point release of v3 sometime soon, with new features of much love. Isn't that great?

Edit: The nefarious login bug should now be dead. Hurray. Everyone may need to log in once, however.

Posted on 2006-07-01 22:12:07 (last edited on 2006-07-04 07:07:38)


You're not an AMATEUR in bed. YOU'RE MY GOD!

Posted on 2006-07-02 22:02:38 (last edited on 2006-07-02 22:03:05)


Christmas in July? Tile-based movement and a new Sully demo?


Posted on 2006-07-03 22:43:14


If by login bug you mean the one that calls me a jerk whenever I try to log in, then that's still there. And is code right? A sully demo is on it's way?

Posted on 2006-07-04 10:52:41


Nah, I don't know for sure. Just putting pressure on mcgrue! :D

Posted on 2006-07-04 17:20:50


Quote:Originally posted by Syn

If by login bug you mean the one that calls me a jerk whenever I try to log in, then that's still there.

Yeah, I still seem to be getting it.

Posted on 2006-07-04 20:44:01


With my 1337 coding skills, I think I know how you can fix this Mcgrue. Switch the "You are already logged in, jerk." text in the code to "You are now logged in (username)"

You're welcome :o)

Posted on 2006-07-04 22:40:58


That's odd. Maybe there were more than one concurrent bugses?


Posted on 2006-07-05 04:29:59


Eh, wouldn't that be "Bugii" ?

Posted on 2006-07-06 09:33:48



Posted on 2006-07-06 17:39:30

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