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The documentation section is now in a public beta.

Note that there isn't much up there right now, mainly because vecna went to sleep and after filling in nodeshells for all of the v3vergec.txt functions that weren't already in the database, I'm pooped.

For those of you who want to make your own documentation libraries, give it a try. I don't promise it'll work at this point, but the feedback is appreciated.

I'll get started on the VERGE FAQ tomorrow.

Posted on 2004-05-30 04:13:56 (last edited on 2004-05-30 10:20:50)


So sexy.

Posted on 2004-05-30 11:50:34


The docu section make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)

Posted on 2004-05-30 13:24:42


Looks good guys! I have to work today (and tomorrow :( my three day weekend is only one day long!) but since Í'm not entering the HOV, I'll spend what little time I have making docs for ILL and FSD, and test the doc system as best I can.


PS: Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let imbedded bugs byte!

Posted on 2004-05-30 16:33:48


Only semi-related, but congrats on 100 front page news posts, guys. ^_^

Posted on 2004-05-30 18:27:29


Yeah... it only took 4 years to post 100 items. That's like an average of 2 a month :(

Posted on 2004-05-30 20:35:02


Toen told me this was up last night. I GOT UR SEKRET KODEZ!!!

But hey, that is a fucking awesome system. I can't wait till its filled out.

Posted on 2004-05-30 22:29:27


dude awesome work.

Posted on 2004-06-02 01:04:38

Displaying 1-8 of 8 total.
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