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Everyone should thank Thinice for the wonderful addition of file archiving to the files section. I've taken the liberty of archiving everything that's there (in the v3 section at least), and you should find it a lot less cluttered.

I've also taken the liberty to change a few elements of the ui over there to be more intuitive, most notably an upload link on every subcategory that auto-fills the engine and category field. Falthorn should be pleased.

More changes are to come with the site. I've touched base with the PHP Action Force, and some of them are actively working already. With luck, we'll have sexy site-wide searches shortly, and pre-tags with syntax highlighting that don't short out when there's a less-than sign inside of them.

On the Sully front, work progresses, although I've been distracted since vecna's post. There will be some sort of release before the VERGEn God of Productivity comes to visit me ealy next week. It just may not be exactly what even I was thinking it'd be. I've come to the realization that while the system Hahn designed earlier this year for Sully is rather neat and all... it is a tad on the complex side. And after showing the Work-in-progress build to some people, I've come to the realization that something much simpler in nature would not only be quicker to make on my end, but much more fitting the needs of a beginners tutorial.

And finally, in case anyone is interested in such things, my adorable superkitten, Oliver, who ran away, came back, and ran away again is once more in my possession. I found him while walking home from the bar two nights ago. He is as cute and awesome as ever, and completely psychotic.

And that's all for now... unless I forgot something. Stay classy, planet Earth!

Posted on 2004-08-05 19:05:15


It's good to hear you found your pirate kitten. The files section is much better now. Great work Thin Ice & Grue.

Also, I'm holding my breath so make the new Sully release SOON... turning blue... ack.

Posted on 2004-08-05 20:07:20


Yay! Pirate kitty has returned!

That is the best news I've heard in a while. :)

Posted on 2004-08-05 20:12:32


Any chance of being able to delete bolloxed uploads at some point?

The kitten is in your posession? You should know by now Grue, that your cat owns YOU :D

Posted on 2004-08-05 22:33:44 (last edited on 2004-08-05 22:34:52)


And finally, in case anyone is interested in such things, my adorable superkitten, Oliver, who ran away, came back, and ran away again is once more in my possession. I found him while walking home from the bar two nights ago. He is as cute and awesome as ever, and completely psychotic.

And now that he is safely back, I need not feel guilty about saying


Posted on 2004-08-06 01:17:53


Anchorman was so awesome!

Posted on 2004-08-06 02:02:02


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

I've come to the realization that while the system Hahn designed earlier this year for Sully is rather neat and all... it is a tad on the complex side. And after showing the Work-in-progress build to some people, I've come to the realization that something much simpler in nature would not only be quicker to make on my end, but much more fitting the needs of a beginners tutorial.

Complex in what way? From what little I have seen, it looks like Sully might have a real nice skill/tech/spell/ability system for instance. I would just hate for an otherwise brilliant looking system to be dumbed down in the name of simplicity. Nearly everything about Sully Complete I heard so far is good, and I much rather see it as a game then as a tech demo. Just don't cut anything really cool okay? If you do, I won't stop whining till there is a Sully Complete Complete.

Posted on 2004-08-06 02:31:34


As I had to spend an hour explaining to vecna, I am by no means not finishing the system Hahn designed. I'm simply too far along into it to ditch it. What am I, zeromus? ;)

However, the issue at hand isn't that it wasn't 'cool' enough, because it is most certainly cool. Hahn's system is comparable to any modern RPG's abilities to create a pleasurable and strategic battle system! The issue here is that priority #1 for the main packin should be to act as an example of how to use verge... and the system I've designed so far would give many of our non-novice programmers here, such as Gayo (who is by no means inexperienced or incapable at all), a run for their money.

So there will be at least two seperate versions of Sully 1. I will not stop working on The Sully Chronicles: Complete. In fact, relatively soon after releasing this as-of-yet-unnamed simpler Sully, I shall release a WIP build of Hahn's design for public viewing. This tenative release would have full functionality to the menus and subsystems, but would be lacking most skill implementations and a lot of polish.

Note: I say 'relatively' since I'll be busting my hump to get the simple and clean system done over the weekend, seeing as I have [zara] coming over for a few days early this week, and then I'm taking a trip until the 16th. So... probably after that. ;)

Posted on 2004-08-06 08:04:51


Having seen the docs for Sully's system, and having heard Grue discuss his implementation, I can safely confirm that

1) The system is cool
2) The implementation of the system is scary

Posted on 2004-08-06 10:07:16


Scary, but neccesary!

Well, the menu's rendering structure is a bit messy at this point, and the parsers are sucky and I'm not proud of them and I would like someone who actually has had experience writing robust parsers to recode them at some point, but the structure of the skills and items and characters gets the needs done.

In specific, the passive skills are the ones that throw the biggest wrench into the loop. I basically created a handful of triggers to associate with a passive ability to show when it should be checked, and there's all sorts of looking up and tables and callfunc fun.

There are certainly things I would like to change in the future, such as some sort of unbloating of the Character struct, and I really should change things so that the party and the enemy party are copied from the masterCharacter array into another array of Character structs so the master table acts more like a template than live data, but eh. ;)

Posted on 2004-08-06 10:43:58 (last edited on 2004-08-06 10:43:59)

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