WinV2 beta 2.4 released
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After a bit of a delay while I finished up this last semester, a new version of WinV2 is out. You can download it here and check out the changelog here.

As with the other betas, this one is basically bugfixes and stuff. I am particularly interested to know if anyone has any problems with the new timing system including things like sound popping or crash-at-exit or anything of that nature. So, as always, please report any bugs you find! I was sort of waiting for a few feedback reports, but decided to go ahead and release this now, but there may be another followup release shortly.

I also want to point out that although these winv2 beta releases have essentially been bugfixes to improve V2 compatibility and overall stability, we have been working on some new features. They will however be a pretty major update that will break compatibility with existing v2 stuff, so in the mean time we're continuing to try to improve and refine winv2.

Oh, and my Zeux World 1.W score is now 110.81%. To give you an idea of how boring christmas break can be. ;)

Posted on 2001-12-21 15:36:55

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